

Progression Overwhelm
Aug 31, 2006
Hey there.

I'm a big fan of death vocals and I've been practicing a lot and trying to become better at them. I'm wondering if theres a part of this site that has to do with vocals where people can share tips and expriences with others. If there isn't I would like to start one here!
If you search the Musicians Discussion forum or anywhere on UM, you'll find threads that offer tips and what not.
I tried learning how to growl properly and severly disabled my singing voice.. its not the same it was before I tried death vox.

Maybe my technique wasn't the right one?
Aarohi said:
I tried learning how to growl properly and severly disabled my singing voice.. its not the same it was before I tried death vox.

Maybe my technique wasn't the right one?

Yes you must have done something wrong. untill i joined the army i was a Death growler for 6 years.

Iv'e posted a few begginers tips in a thread but seems more people read here so ill repost:

Iv'e been growling and doing throat screams for years guys. at first you're jaw and stomach muscles will hurt and may give up on you too. just take a deep breath in, hold you're toung back low in you're throat, and release it using you're stomach muscles (one might add to do it as if you are gragling).

You should get a deep death growl(Sorta like Cannibal Corpse) right here. soon slaiva will come up you're throat and you will get more and more on fire. stop before you lose you're voice.

Note that at the first few trys and it all depends on you're natural talent in this you're throat will tickle and you might even get a light cough and most of all you will tire out quite fast unless in top shape. just keep on practecing.

To get a thorat scream do about the same execpt insted of taking a deep breath in take a normal breath through you're NOSE as you feel needed and stick you're tough up and forword in you're mouth, even stick you're toung out alittle and let it rip.

Note that this will not only cause alittle bit of pain at first in you're thoat but if not in shape will make you swet like a bitch a you will most likely have pain in you're jaw and chest muscles. work out!

Once you can preform both without any pain and go on for hours, form you're new Death Metal band!

Hope i helped you guys.

I'll be happy to answer any questions of course.
Aarohi said:
I tried learning how to growl properly and severly disabled my singing voice.. its not the same it was before I tried death vox.

Maybe my technique wasn't the right one?

Might be that you used your throat or something. I think growls and the like are pretty stressful to the voice system (don't really know though).
Good tips!

I'm not sure exactly what I do to produce the sound I enjoy using the best. I would have to call it a scream with an extension of my natural voice. My voice comes through a little bit and seems to give the scream a little more emotion than just a deeper death growl.

I've been doing a lot of breathing exercises where you breath in through your nose until you can't hold anymore air and then you exhale by flexing your diaphram and letting it out really slow. It seems to be helping me hold more air because now I am able to perform longer screams on songs I couldn't do before.

I do try and push out the scream from my gut and not my throat because I have heard many bad things about using too much throat. I try to practice about 20-30 minutes 5 days a week and it seems to be going good so far.
Flare said:
Good tips!

I'm not sure exactly what I do to produce the sound I enjoy using the best. I would have to call it a scream with an extension of my natural voice. My voice comes through a little bit and seems to give the scream a little more emotion than just a deeper death growl.

I've been doing a lot of breathing exercises where you breath in through your nose until you can't hold anymore air and then you exhale by flexing your diaphram and letting it out really slow. It seems to be helping me hold more air because now I am able to perform longer screams on songs I couldn't do before.

I do try and push out the scream from my gut and not my throat because I have heard many bad things about using too much throat. I try to practice about 20-30 minutes 5 days a week and it seems to be going good so far.

Why don't you tell me here who's the vocalist you are trying to imitate. that way i could help you do exacly what you are trying to without ruining you're voice. because what i'm afraid of is that you are getting abit of voice and growls which is possible and every now and than i do it myself but if done wrong you can kiss you're voice goodbye.
Well I guess overall I am trying to imitate Anders from In Flames. I also try to add some bits of Angela from Arch Enemy too when I go lower or higher.

That would suck if I'm doing it wrong and I would really not like to alter the way it sounds if possible because I think it is a very unique sounding scream/growl that I produce.
Angela does the simple oldschool growl that Walker(Carcass) a Vincett(Morbid Angel). just follow my death growl guide i posted above, you'll get there after a few days/weeks of practice. change tone with you're tone, inside you're throat will be a deep growl, the more you're tounge is outside the lighter you're growl will be. try mastering that, dont even try the In Flames combo of singing and growling for now.