Volbeat Cancel, Promoter devastated....

Blame all those fans in Europe who has built them up to a place in their career where they HAVE to do the Euro tour. Blame the label that demands them to stay in Europe for that time period and for choosing that time for release of the next time. Blame the booking agent for booking a tour at the same time as the US show. But don't blame the band on this.


This is EXACTLY where I stand on this issue as well and reading what Glenn wrote this was plain as day to me.

I think most of the posters in this thread are taking the wrong impression outta all this.

Thanks Claus!
If I may suggest a replacement band, Glenn... how about Textures? They are definitely well known enough to fill the slot and are quirky enough to be the oddball.
THIS JUST IN: Superstar Rock Band Has Shitty, Money-Grubbing Management

I can't say I'm terribly surprised that a thing like this would happen. After all, how many huge bands got where they are by being nice to the "little guy"? It sounds to me that breaking their contract with Glenn holds next to no consequences to the band/management and their popularity, so if it means more dollar signs (Euro signs), then of course they're going to do it. It's analogous to the Nevermore situation from a couple years ago... Nevermore and their management could probably care less if they ever play ProgPower USA.

One question for Claus, though, since you're so much more knowledgeable about the business end of the scene than I am... if VolBeat are so huge over there, then why is it that if they postpone this tour (that they're supposedly "starting" right around the date of ProgPower) in order to take care of their prior obligations, it will suddenly ruin them? If this tour stands to net them so much cash, why can't they afford to move a few dates on the tour to come over here and take care of their fest stop? I've seen bands do this before. Okay, maybe that's two questions.
Volbeat is already big in Europe though. So breaking into the US was more possible than FK (the band makes cash, thus labels are more likely to spend cash on them).

FK got a good response, but they don't have the label to push them into US markets (such as on the radio), nor to get them on the right tours, etc.

Volbeat could come over here and go on various tours with more popular metal/alt metal bands. For example, they could fit onto a tour like Rockstar Mayhem, or hell even just do Warp Tour.

Right... but you made it seem as though giving up one single show spelled doom for their american career since none of the metal community would embrace them when, once again, that's not the case. If they get over here, they do. This show being cancelled doesn't damn them, it just means they don't have this show.
Yawn ... how ignorant can one be?

As I mentioned further up, the band wanted to do this show. I've spoken to Michael about it on several occasions, and he was looking forward to it.

Blame all those fans in Europe who has built them up to a place in their career where they HAVE to do the Euro tour. Blame the label that demands them to stay in Europe for that time period and for choosing that time for release of the next time. Blame the booking agent for booking a tour at the same time as the US show. But don't blame the band on this.


Hmm... I guess I'm pretty ignorant of the situation and the business side of things. Stupid Label. Stupid european promoter.
if VolBeat are so huge over there, then why is it that if they postpone this tour (that they're supposedly "starting" right around the date of ProgPower) in order to take care of their prior obligations, it will suddenly ruin them? If this tour stands to net them so much cash, why can't they afford to move a few dates on the tour to come over here and take care of their fest stop? I've seen bands do this before. Okay, maybe that's two questions.

This will be answered when the tour is announced.

I 100% understand the rationale behind the decision. I also agree that missing this one show will not truly hurt their chances in the U.S. scene as their music will appeal to an audience beyond our niche. I'm a realist in all this.

That said, I'm still 100% fucking pissed as hell.
One question for Claus, though, since you're so much more knowledgeable about the business end of the scene than I am... if VolBeat are so huge over there, then why is it that if they postpone this tour (that they're supposedly "starting" right around the date of ProgPower) in order to take care of their prior obligations, it will suddenly ruin them? If this tour stands to net them so much cash, why can't they afford to move a few dates on the tour to come over here and take care of their fest stop? I've seen bands do this before. Okay, maybe that's two questions.

I am not Claus...

However, it's possible that VolBeat is not the headliner of the tour. If that is the case, they don't have much say in when the tour starts...

Also, sorry to hear about this Glenn.... major bummer. I'm sure you'll find a great replacement.
Damn Damn Dammity Damn Damn Damn

I wish there was a way to return the CD and DVD I bought from Ken... this definitely leaves a sour taste in the mouth. In fact, I *just* watched the Volbeat DVD yesterday for the first time and was definitely looking forward to what they'd bring to ProgPower this year. Now all I want to do is run over the CD and DVD in my car a few times and mail the busted up pieces back to Volbeat and their management/record label/promoter. Perhaps that would send an adequate message.
That would make for a funny visual. I know your just frustrated with this stuff ... me too. Volbeat, and Astral Doors were two of the bands I was most geeked up to see this year. Vanden Plas was the band I was most looking forward to last year coming in. I hope all is well in the Amorphis camp .. I'd be pissed if they bowed out.

Can't anyone just do business honorably anymore? It's sh*t like this that continues to give the entire music business a really bad name.

I feel for you Glenn. As a fellow promoter and having had similar situations occur, all I can say is I feel for you.

What I can offer is yet more thanks for turning me onto yet another fantastic band. Hopefully they can appear at another PP if you deem it appropriate.

I 100% understand the rationale behind the decision. I also agree that missing this one show will not truly hurt their chances in the U.S. scene as their music will appeal to an audience beyond our niche. I'm a realist in all this.
I agree this won't hurt their chances. However, I just don't see Volbeat becoming big over here... and I like Volbeat.

Let's face it, the number one driving force in the U.S. music scene is American Idol, which is nothing more than glorified karaoke. When is the last time this country embraced any band that displayed the slightest bit of originality?

Glenn was definitely raked over the coals on this one, no argument there.

Although this may be way off track, occurrences such as this one make me wonder if we're going to see more of this sort of thing in the future. I, and I am sure many others in this forum have noticed this phenomenon, have attended countless shows in the States either headlined by a non-US band or whose line-up is largely consituent of non-US bands and the attendance has been woeful. With few exceptions (Nightwish, Dragonforce, In Flames, Children of Bodom, Dimmu Borgir, and perhaps a few others I'm forgetting) there just seems to be no turnout, no fan support. Not sure why that is although I suspect any number of reasons could be at the core of the matter. Anyway, all this has been discussed at length in this forum before. I certainly realize that ProgPower USA is an exception to this but it is, of course, a festival and not a tour. With so many non-US bands' stories of losing cash, logistical nightmares, and poorly-attended shows I wonder if accounts like these make it back to Europe, for example, and serve to dissuade bands and band management to embark on a tour of the States especially if the bands contemplating it haven't really achieved any modicum of notoriety on these shores. I'm not saying this entered into the rationale regarding the decisions made on behalf of Volbeat by their camp but I do wonder just how often it comes up in the decision-making process of non-US bands and their management in general. These folks really need to want to crack the US market very much in order to undertake such uncertainty as the financial risk of doing so must be enormous.

All of this, of course, is just the musings of one fan on the outside looking in. My perception, as is the case many times, could be way, way off.
HOWEVER, the band is not . They are HUGE over here. Really huge. Their next album can not only provide them with a bigger audience, it can MAKE them in the European mainstream scene. We're talking stadium-big, not a club-band.
I knew I should have clarified that statement. As far as the US metal scene is considered, Volbeat is exactly that - a band from Europe who would be placed into the "underground metal" category by those here in the US. They may be huge over in Europe, but before the PP IX announcement pretty much no one in America knew who they were. You've already heard several people state that on this thread. I did not mean to, in any way, undermine their talent or popularity in Europe, but the fact still stands that very few people in the US have a clue that Volbeat even exists.

I also should have clarified when I said "that it doesn't even seam like they realize how big of a break this was for them in the US market," that I was including the booking, management and the band in "they." I'm sure there may have been circumstance where the band may have not really had a choice/say, but what I gathered from Glenn's statement was that there seemed to be a lot of miscommunication and confusion going on on their end of things and that no one was really trying to make this commitment that was previously agreed to work out.
Well...I am incredibly bummed by this announcement. :(

So... Volbeat out...Meshuggah in? :-D


or... Volbeat out.. Shadow Reichenstein in! :rock: :cool:

I feel for you Glenn. As a fellow promoter and having had similar situations occur, all I can say is I feel for you.

Right! The feelings that come with having the rug yanked out at the last minute are hard to describe. :erk:
That would make for a funny visual. I know your just frustrated with this stuff ... me too. Volbeat, and Astral Doors were two of the bands I was most geeked up to see this year. Vanden Plas was the band I was most looking forward to last year coming in. I hope all is well in the Amorphis camp .. I'd be pissed if they bowed out.


Exactly. Just venting a little on the forum... thanks for noticing. :goggly:
THIS JUST IN: Superstar Rock Band Has Shitty, Money-Grubbing Management

I can't say I'm terribly surprised that a thing like this would happen. After all, how many huge bands got where they are by being nice to the "little guy"? It sounds to me that breaking their contract with Glenn holds next to no consequences to the band/management and their popularity, so if it means more dollar signs (Euro signs), then of course they're going to do it. It's analogous to the Nevermore situation from a couple years ago... Nevermore and their management could probably care less if they ever play ProgPower USA.

One question for Claus, though, since you're so much more knowledgeable about the business end of the scene than I am... if VolBeat are so huge over there, then why is it that if they postpone this tour (that they're supposedly "starting" right around the date of ProgPower) in order to take care of their prior obligations, it will suddenly ruin them? If this tour stands to net them so much cash, why can't they afford to move a few dates on the tour to come over here and take care of their fest stop? I've seen bands do this before. Okay, maybe that's two questions.

From what I heard, they were supposed to do a support tour in the States (I'm not gonna reveal the band they were supposed to open for... for obvious reasons), but they turned it down because of the buy-on (coupled with the other costs that come with touring such as accommodation, food, nightliner, gas...etc) being too high . It makes sense. If you're a band as big as Volbeat, you should be making money on tour, not having to spend it.

Oh and HELL YES for Meshuggah! Though... Meshuggah could probably headline PP :lol:.

It's funny how spoiled you guys (well, me too :D) are. Were any of you complaining when Scar Symmetry cancelled PPUK to do the Dark Tranquillty tour in the US? Nah... I doubt it :lol:.