Volbeat... interesting

My question is how long will their "gimmick" last before it gets tiresome?

I wanted to see them tonight in Baltimore, but I don't do concerts on Sunday nights. :(

You missed a great show!

What "gimmick" are you talking about? A group of guys cranking out some damn good, heavy rock n' roll? That "gimmick" hasn't died yet, fuck, Social Distortion has been doing it for over 30 years!
Some cell pics from last night's show in Chicago. I was gonna write a review but feel kinda lazy. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go to this show because I am very unfamiliar with their catalog, I always dismissed them because their cds were so damn expensive but the fear of regret got to me and went rather than cry later in life about missing the show. They were just awesome and the place was so crowded. There was a moshpit too.

I'm definitely a fan now.

Before they went on...




After the show..
Sirius plays Volbeat a lot. I was surprised at first but they are played often on at least two stations so that might help bolster their popularity in the States.
What "gimmick" are you talking about? A group of guys cranking out some damn good, heavy rock n' roll? That "gimmick" hasn't died yet, fuck, Social Distortion has been doing it for over 30 years!

Mixing rockabilly and power metal. I personally like it, but many on this forum could care or less about Volbeat. When they were announced as a potential band for PP USA, people were very sharply divided - they either loved them or hated them.

Still upset they weren't able to play at PP USA. Maybe someday? (doubtful though.... )