Volume 8?


Jun 8, 2002
It says something on the website about Volume 8 being hard to find. Is that actually true. If it is maybe I should look for it, I have the case but don't know where the cd is.
Yeah, it's not in most stores in the US... (due to their record company collasping before they could release many...) My brother got it off E-bay...
I never see Volume 8. I've seen the greatest hits collection all over the place and in cut-out sections for like 2 bucks. Has anyone seen my member profile?? Does it matter?? Do people look at it??? I've been trying to get a hold of Ty, but no reply. Is Tydiggitydaddy still your aol instant messanger handle?? I can't believe I only average .27 posts per day
[color=#AOEOOA]Actually it's really weird cos there's a shitload of em downunder, you can find Volume 8 in virtually any music store.

So I found mine when I wanted to buy it.

Weird, no copies in the US, yet tonnes in OZ.[/color]