Vomitory - Blood Rapture


Aug 27, 2002
In Hell
Vomitory - Blood Rapture
Metal Blade, 2002


The latest masterpiece from the classic death metal playing Vomitory was released last year and that is the worthy continuation of their Revelation Nausea. This 30 minutes long material is far too short but at least every second is perfect. Hard sound, killer riffs, neckbreaking rhytms, heavy melodies are grabbing you already in the opening 'Chaos Fury' and the insane tempos last till the end of the album. Undimished energy storms on us with the grunty growling of Erik Rundqvist. All the songs are excellent. Typical death metal elements a la Vomitory, and you can't get bored from this. The variation between the blastbeating songs and the midpaced, melodic ones, like 'Madness Prevails' and 'Eternity Appears' are balanced. Some of them starts off with catchy riffs while others are throwing on us their sheer brutality from the first second. The short but great riffs hidden in the songs are making the album even more enjoyable. The faster songs like 'Chaos Fury', 'Hollow Retribution', 'Redeemed In Flames' and 'Rotting Hill'are pounding you down with full power. Even the last one, the title track rolls over you. It starts slower but it speeds up to close the album properly.

It's an unmerciless, killer album that will satisfy all the Vomitory fans without finding a weak point in it. Old-school Swedish death metal from the finest.

1. Chaos fury
2. Hollow retribution
3. Blessed and forsaken
4. Madness prevails
5. Redeemed in flames
6. Nailed, quartered, consumed
7. Eternity appears
8. Rotting hill
9. Blood rapture
