Vote for ANTHRAX on MetalSludge for 2004 Album of the Year! The Greater of two Evils!

Lets get voting people. We embarressed ourselves by not voting for the HBB enough. Tesla, and brides of descraption are ahead. If Anthrax loses, I say time for a whole new street team, because well we have failed Anthrax again
muffytheVampirelayer said:
Lets get voting people. We embarressed ourselves by not voting for the HBB enough. Tesla, and brides of descraption are ahead. If Anthrax loses, I say time for a whole new street team, because well we have failed Anthrax again
Another APB!
Thanks, LOAroberto!
3d :-/
nafnikufesin said:
Why is MOMD not a choice for best DVD?
Because Mortuary Records did such a shitass job of promoting it, that not even Metal Sludge knows about MOMD!
timmyc said:

We've nearly caught Tesla - keep voting!
Tesla again?
I'm having a Deja vu.

Wasn't there tesla at the last metalsludge voting, too?
WTF is up with 'em? Don't they know that ANTHRAX has to win?
Thank satan I voted at 3 computers. How long is it possible to vote? On monday at work there will be 11 computers voting for Tes.. ah, uh...I mean Anthrax:D !