vote for my band

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My band has the chance! And you all know that if I win I will try and bring back some knowledge of how Machine gets the awesome sounds!

Im a recording engineer my self so I will definitely be able to accurately document the expirence!



Also give me feed back on how you think it sounds. I recorded, mixed and mastered the track.

This is the second thread about this contest and the deceptive thread title makes this one pretty spammy IMO. I wish you luck and in fact voted for you when you posted the first thread but you probably should have just bumped your original thread.
Yea it is the 3rd. Kinda be worthwhile if I win though dontchya think?! Cmon bro put your self in my shoes for a min. This one is worth me breaking the 1 thread rule for.

No it´s not worthwhile if you win, you clog up our forum, it isn´t just yours you know, you´re being kinda selfish and childish.

And no it´s not worth YOU breaking the 1 thread rule for, everybody wants to win a contest and it´s not the first time someone posts something like this. Which is perfectly fine to me, it´s ok to ask for help, but post it ONCE. You´re no special than anyone else here, why would it be worth for you?

Not trying to start a fight or something, but I felt you reacted really childish and a bit insulting to Egan´s reasonable and non-offensive comment.

And I´m not voting, sorry
Well Ill just say that I personally wouldnt care if your band got in a contest and posted a blog a couple times a week. But if its going to really be that big of a deal to you guys and you feel that my 3 (such a small number you know) posts are "clogging" the forum then I guess ill post else where. Seriously though some of you guys take this shit to far. Its JUST A FORUM. Im not even going to argue about this with any of you anymore. Go continue monitoring how many posts everybody does since its that big of a deal.
Well Ill just say that I personally wouldnt care if your band got in a contest and posted a blog a couple times a week. But if its going to really be that big of a deal to you guys and you feel that my 3 (such a small number you know) posts are "clogging" the forum then I guess ill post else where. Seriously though some of you guys take this shit to far. Its JUST A FORUM. Im not even going to argue about this with any of you anymore. Go continue monitoring how many posts everybody does since its that big of a deal.

I think it's more the idea that you could have just bumped your original thread rather than start a few about the same exact thing...and being misleading with your thread title, which smacks of the usual SPAM tactics.

Like you said, "it's just a forum"....perhaps that "shit too far" comment cuts both ways?
Actually no, I dont use forums that often. Actually this is one of the only ones I even go on. So no I didnt know how to "bump it" Go ahead and continue to make a big deal about my lack of forum knowledge. I honestly could care less. Much more important things to worry about then me "clogging" the forum. It was only 3 posts, get over it!
No it´s not worthwhile if you win, you clog up our forum, it isn´t just yours you know, you´re being kinda selfish and childish.

And no it´s not worth YOU breaking the 1 thread rule for, everybody wants to win a contest and it´s not the first time someone posts something like this. Which is perfectly fine to me, it´s ok to ask for help, but post it ONCE. You´re no special than anyone else here, why would it be worth for you?

Not trying to start a fight or something, but I felt you reacted really childish and a bit insulting to Egan´s reasonable and non-offensive comment.

And I´m not voting, sorry

I think it's more the idea that you could have just bumped your original thread rather than start a few about the same exact thing...and being misleading with your thread title, which smacks of the usual SPAM tactics.

Like you said, "it's just a forum"....perhaps that "shit too far" comment cuts both ways?

Shouldn't stuff like this be in OTT?

This is the second thread about this contest and the deceptive thread title makes this one pretty spammy IMO. I wish you luck and in fact voted for you when you posted the first thread but you probably should have just bumped your original thread.

Everyone on this board is humble enough to even post all this stuff in one thread (see the signmeto thread), although it's different start three of them and then not even in the right section (the off topic)?
Also: please use threadtitles that reflect the contents of the thread

thread closed....
next new thread about this = 1 week ban
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