nursing my wounds
lurch70 said:you guys are fucking tards ... and have no skillz.
Pedro ruled so much in that flick
Worst "comedy" ever.
lurch70 said:you guys are fucking tards ... and have no skillz.
Pedro ruled so much in that flick
JayKeeley said:Wait...stop everything....Mark, you haven't seen 40 year old virgin yet?Oh my god, that film is SO funny, I'm laughing at the thought of you not having seen it yet. So much in store...
JayKeeley said:It KILLS Wedding Crashers!!!!
lurch70 said:whoa ... them are fighting words right there
dill_the_devil said:Clerks > The 40 Year Old Virgin > Mallrats > Anchorman > Wedding Crashers > Napoleon Dynamite > Old School.
JayKeeley said:It KILLS Wedding Crashers!!!!
dill_the_devil said:Clerks > The 40 Year Old Virgin > Mallrats > Anchorman > Wedding Crashers > Napoleon Dynamite > Old School.
dill_the_devil said:Clerks > The 40 Year Old Virgin > Mallrats > Anchorman > Wedding Crashers > Napoleon Dynamite > Old School.
JayKeeley said:Owen Wilson annoyed me in that film. I liked him in Zoolander though.
Clerks > Anchorman >>>> 40 Year Old Virgin > Old School > Wedding Crashers >>>>> Mallrats > haven't seen Napolean Dynamite