VOTE for Richard Christy on


Hate the World...
Sep 18, 2003
Orlando, FL
VOTE for Richard Christy on

Metal's own Richard Christy is in the running to take over the vacant Howard Stern job left by Stuttering John’s departure to the Jay Leno show. For the past few weeks, several contestants have been applying for the job by filling in on the Howard Stern radio show (which thanks to the FCC and Clear Channel, we no longer get to listen to!).

As a close friend of Richard’s, I know how much this job would mean to him! For Christ sake, he QUIT playing drums for ICED EARTH just to have the chance to AUDITION for the job!

There’s only 3 DAYS of VOTING, so Richard is going to need all the help we can give him. If you know of a message board, or group such as this one that you are a part of, PLEASE HELP RICHARD REALIZE HIS DREAM!!! Post this message everywhere you can, and help one of METAL’s own make his dreams come true!

Voting begins Monday, June 28th at 7:00 and ends Wednesday, June 30th at midnight.
So VOTE asap!!!

Below are the links so you can listen to Richard’s segments from the past week. This is some of the funniest stuff you’ll ever hear, so take a few minutes and click on each one of the links. It’s hilarious!

AllWithinMyMonster said:
Yea stop being a bunch of fucktards and help out a Metal Icon...Ye fucking douchebags!
Why should I vote for him when someone alot more deserving could get the job?
Because he played on a couple of metal albums?
LordFireworm said:
Why should I vote for him when someone alot more deserving could get the job?
Because he played on a couple of metal albums?

^Good point. Richard Christy should just stick with drumming, he's not fucking funny. Not to mention the fact that some of the comments he made on the show about playing gigs were really unprofessional.
Damn you guys are a hard crowd to please. All it takes it literally 2 mouse clicks, no registering, nothing.

This is a guy who is on the E! show with DEATH shirts on, and you're not gonna help out a fellow metal guy? Richard said if he doesn't win he's gonna go back to his electrician job in Florida and play around with local bands that he's friends with.

Come on guys, whether you think he's funny or not or you think Howard Stern sucks or not, at least pretend for a second that metal people watch each others backs.

2 clicks, 2 seconds.
BlessedAreTheSick said:
Damn you guys are a hard crowd to please. All it takes it literally 2 mouse clicks, no registering, nothing.

This is a guy who is on the E! show with DEATH shirts on, and you're not gonna help out a fellow metal guy? Richard said if he doesn't win he's gonna go back to his electrician job in Florida and play around with local bands that he's friends with.

Come on guys, whether you think he's funny or not or you think Howard Stern sucks or not, at least pretend for a second that metal people watch each others backs.

2 clicks, 2 seconds.

Did you listen to the clips? His entire "funny" shtick is just calling people gay and making stupid noises over songs. I will not further the career of yet another day dreaming hack because we both enjoy metal.
Not that my vote means that much anyway, but even so.
LordFireworm said:

Did you listen to the clips? His entire "funny" shtick is just calling people gay and making stupid noises over songs. I will not further the career of yet another day dreaming hack because we both enjoy metal.
Not that my vote means that much anyway, but even so.

I guess him using the term "faggot" personally offended you?
I've known Richard for several years now, and also know that this decision to leave ICED EARTH to just audition with Howard was the hardest decision of his life. Despite being a kick ass drummer, none of his bands actually ever made him enough money so he didn't have to work a crappy day job anymore. If he lands this job with Howard, he will still play drums, but he will also have a day job that will actually make him some money, and be the best job in the fuckin' world. This is Richard's DREAM, and I can't blame him! Being surrounded by nekked chicks on a daily basis would RULE!!!
Vote you knuckleheads...
Having heard three of the days that Richard was featured on, it was funny, but it didn't bust my gut. I think I would vote for Sal the Stock Broker or Yucko The Clown! Those two fucking guys were so funny I almost wreck the car on the way to work!!!!!!
Richard is a fantastic drummer, but he's not a comic. Again, he was okay, but he doesn't stand out as "the guy" to take the throne of that stuttering traitor!!!!!
I've known Richard for several years now, and also know that this decision to leave ICED EARTH to just audition with Howard was the hardest decision of his life. Despite being a kick ass drummer, none of his bands actually ever made him enough money so he didn't have to work a crappy day job anymore. If he lands this job with Howard, he will still play drums, but he will also have a day job that will actually make him some money, and be the best job in the fuckin' world. This is Richard's DREAM, and I can't blame him! Being surrounded by nekked chicks on a daily basis would RULE!!!
Vote you knuckleheads...[/QUOTE]

So you don't want him to "earn" the job?!
That's just lame. He doesn't deserve it. He just wasn't a stand out....
Why haven't they removed this thread?????!!!!