Vote For Richard Christy


New Metal Member
Jun 30, 2004
this is the last day of voting, so if you havent voted for him(even if you havent heard his stuff ont he Howard Stern Show, just vote for him anyway. Hes a great guy who i got to hang out with all day when i saw Iced Earth and he deserves this job. so please, go to......

and vote for Richard, I, and Richard, would really appreciate this.
Richard Christy, drummer extraordinaire (Iced Earth, Death, Burning Inside)
is in the running to get Stuttering John's job on the Howard Stern show and
he needs YOUR help to get it!



You can also listen to an audio recap of Richards' on air audition here:


Yeah man I voted for him, I heard his whole week on the radio and it was halarious. He sure made alot of material for this try outs. He deserves to be on there! I hope he does!
Ex-ICED EARTH Drummer RICHARD CHRISTY On 'Howard Stern': More Audio Files Available - June 26, 2004 Renowned heavy metal drummer Richard Christy (ICED EARTH, DEATH, CONTROL DENIED, BURNING INSIDE) was trying out for Stuttering John's job on "The Howard Stern" radio show all this past week. Richard (Photo#1, Photo#2), who is the final contestant, spent the past five days on the show and appears to be one of the favorites to land the gig. Download MP3 audio files of Richard's guest appearances on the show:

Monday: #1, #2
Tuesday: #1, #2
Wednesday: #1
Thursday: #1, #2
Friday: #1, #2
It's Official: Drummer RICHARD CHRISTY Lands Job On 'The Howard Stern Show'! - July 1, 2004 Renowned heavy metal drummer Richard Christy (ICED EARTH, DEATH, CONTROL DENIED, BURNING INSIDE) has been named the official replacement for Stuttering John on "The Howard Stern" radio show. Richard, who received more votes than any other contestant via the "Get John's JOB!" voting web site, spent all of last week on the show and was considered a favorite to land the gig from the very beginning. Download MP3 audio files of Richard's guest appearances on the show:

June 21: #1, #2
June 22: #1, #2
June 23: #1
June 24: #1, #2
June 25: #1, #2
It sucks cause I have been listening to howard stern for years, and as soon as Richard Christy started getting regular air time the FCC Fag Bush Commies took stern off the air...
Renowned heavy metal drummer Richard Christy (photo) (ICED EARTH, DEATH, CONTROL DENIED, BURNING INSIDE) has issued an "open letter" commenting on being named the official replacement for Stuttering John on "The Howard Stern" radio show. Richard, who received 31 percent of the votes on the "Get John's Job!" voting web site, spent all of last week on the show and was considered a favorite to land the gig from the very beginning. Christy's open letter reads as follows:

"Richard (Hey KC) Christy here, it definitely still hasn't sunk in that I actually won John's job! Winning today was a very surreal feeling, but then getting hammered by the other contestants quickly brought me back down to earth! Today was truly a dream come true for me and I was honored to stand next to all of the talented people who were finalists in the 'Get John's Job' contest. I would like to thank Howard and the gang for the opportunity to compete in this audition. I would like to thank my family, friends, all the Howard Stern fans, and all of my fellow 'metal heads' for voting for me! I would also like to thank my friends Tom and Omar for letting me stay with them while I've been in New York the past two weeks. I can't even begin to describe how excited I am about the opportunity to contribute to the show! I have notebooks and hard drives full of ideas that I can't wait to present to Howard! It was also hilarious seeing Chaunce in a dress, but it was disturbing when he showed everyone his 'man worm' in the greenroom. It was also great when Sal rubbed Chaunce's hat in the crack of his ass, and then Yucko dipped his hairy walnuts into it! I also loved when Jeff the Drunk called in and was pissed at me! I wasn't feeling the drunken love from him this morning and I really hope that he doesn't speak for all drunks! Well, I'm not sure what more I can say about how excited I am! I love New York and I love 'The Howard Stern Show' and I am honored that I won the greatest job that I could ever dream of having! Thank You!"
You obviously arent a howard stern fan :tickled: Did anyone see this Episode on E on friday night? All the other contestants were pissed at richard and saidhe stole other peoples material. They also said it was rigged hahahaha. I think the only reason he won was because of all the metal heads supporting him.