Vote for thrax to play at new UK festival


Apr 24, 2004
I've just come across a website for a new UK rock festival in the east on England called Metal Music Fest 2006.

and there's a public voting page where you can vote for who would be cool to see- I saw Thrax on the list!

It's a strange website (insists on a 1024/768 resolution) but would be cool to see Thrax play with some of the other bands on there. :hotjump:
I thought it would be cool to see the Thrax on the same bill as Whitesnake, Velvet Revolver and Motorhead, so wish I'd stuck Doro in the "other" box now. D'oh! See what happens anyway :)
Just a word of warning to folks; this fest is currently being investigated by several folks and would appear to be bogus.

Contact east of england showgroudn for details, and check out the number of bands confirmed to appear.
Yikes, thanks for the warning Carcassian. I just checked the website for this fest and it appears to be down.

Still, the thought of Anthrax playing in the East of England still rocks, not long till the Astoria :)