Vote for Zsuzsa to be yer Troll Queen!

Should I be yer Troll Queen?

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Hearse said:
:bah: I'm not a pervert.
I'm as innocent as the moonlight on your skin reaching for your nippies
or a Mist of Dawn climbing up your leg. :loco:

See..? SEE???? :waah: :lol:

@Yanko: kidding al always, you of all ppl should know that ;)

@eef: and you know the feeling how good is that, arent you? :grin:

hahahahahah what the fuck!!!
nice pics :-D

edit: ok now i saw all of them... the new ones rule! i honestly wouldn't be able to tell between those and professional pics hehe (but most pooheads like me probably can't either :-D)

absolute bestes: the i survived one, trollgirl_4 (haha nice touch raising the cap, it adds to the overall hilariousness :-DD)

and well, the bridge one... really emotive :-/

also, in "Zsuzsa 2.gif" you look like Jodie Foster :-D
Haha, dont laugh beotch, you cant believe how hard it was to make a serious or even angry face when my friend were saying stupid things all the time :lol:

Jodie Foster? Now I have already been Avril Lavigne and now Jodie? =O :p