Vote: Yes or No


  • Yes

    Votes: 7 46.7%
  • No

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Indifferent

    Votes: 6 40.0%

  • Total voters


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
A poll for our regular forum readers:

The Royal Carnage Review Index Homepage: Should each review listing (whether it be new, classic, or unsigned act) include the accompanying score (x/10), so you know the score before entering the review article?

Sorry this will not apply to the A-Z index archive. There is too much to change now in that section, but I can certainly change the Index Homepage from now on, if so desired.

Yes. Only because I like to click on reviews of bands that I have never heard of and 9.9/10 times it is a review slamming the album because it is shite. Therefore, my lazy ass would have to do less navigation to find out if the band is worthy or not and read on.
Let me ask everyone something:

1- if you've never heard of the artist, are you unlikely to click on the link to the review?

2- Or do you tend only to look at reviews for bands that you've heard of, or might have had a previous interest in?

Be honest.
yes, since i think it's more enojoyable to browse if you can get a quick overlook and perhaps spot a band you've never heard of that has gotten a 10/10, had you not seen the score beforehand you wouldn't have bothered to read it.
It could also stop some readers from reading the actual review itself though. Many would just like to see the score rather than reading the actual review and that would make it even easier for them, although, I guess if their goal is to just see the score, it won't make the most tremendous difference.

Personally I like a little bit of a surprise. I like to go into the review and see what the score is going to be and read the review rather then just have it laid out there.
Opeth17 said:
It could also stop some readers from reading the actual review itself though. Many would just like to see the score rather than reading the actual review and that would make it even easier for them, although, I guess if their goal is to just see the score, it won't make the most tremendous difference.
This is also an excellent point. In that respect, it would be interesting to know how many people go into a review, immediately scroll down to the bottom to see the score before reading the text, and if it's not a 9/10 or 10/10, they jump out and look for another review without having read the actual article.
I always read the review first and pay more attention to the words than the number, even though the grading on RC reviews is usually consistent. I think a good idea at least for the update threads would be to distinguish which reviews are of promos and which ones are of purchases, but that might piss off the labels...
well i was all ready to vote no, thinking it would make people not actually read the reviews, but everyone who voted yes brings up good points as well. ima go with yes.
I almost always scroll down to the rating before reading the review, but I try not to because it isn't as important as the review itself. So I guess I'm indifferent.
With RC I read all the reviews of things I'm interested in, and I browse most of the others. If an unknown band gets a good score, I'll read it closer. Sometimes a bad score doesn't really turn me away, though. PJ's Goatsblood review is a good example of a bad score that I read closely.
Yes. Most of the time when I'm perusing a magazine or webzine I go straight for all the negative reviews, as they're often the most interesting and amusing to read. This site is no exception ;)
This is also an excellent point. In that respect, it would be interesting to know how many people go into a review, immediately scroll down to the bottom to see the score before reading the text, and if it's not a 9/10 or 10/10, they jump out and look for another review without having read the actual article.
Guilty ... although if the review is really bad, I tend to read it usually becuase it is most likely amusing.
I think having the rating in next to the title, would give some new lesser known bands a fighting chance.
This is the interent afterall ... we need to weed through stuff fast.
It looks cluttered now. :(

I think it would look okay if the review list had more space between each item like the A-Z list does.