Votum - Metafiction

Awesome news .. looking very forward to this one. Time Must Have A Stop is a big favorite of mine. I think the singer is excellent. This is a band that helps fill the Wolverine void for me. Hopefully Wolverine will get their new material finished up sometime soon .. they are way overdue.

I guess this disc comes out in a few days in Poland (11/16/09), but won't be available in other parts until February.

True, but the rumour has it due to some minor problems (the printer's failure), the Polish premier will be postponed to 19.11.2009 and because of that the band will put the whole album on myspace for a day or two to keep their promise to the fans.
I agree...the new song is a great balance of moods...I'm looking forward to the rest of the release.

alamis...thanks for the heads up...it's great that they are going ahead putting the material out there for the fans.
They just did.
You can check out the whole Metafiction, there for 3 days.
Unfortunately, the quality is mp3ish... but hey, myspace is myspace.
If you haven't listened to this on their page, you're in for a surprise... this is nothing like the debut. Gone is the aggression and heaviness, and in its place is a laid back, melancholy, almost "unplugged" disc ..... its well done, but I'm not sure this is what I want from the band ..... its almost like what happened with Wolverine - from their heavier days to their laid back days..

This is not quite what I expected ....... :Smug: