Vox NT15H Night Train


Mar 24, 2007
Fife, Scotland
I'm on the lookout for a amp that'll do rockier tones and after mentioning I was considering the tiny terror my mate who works in a guitar store reckons I should consider giving this a go:


He says its more punchy and less fizzy than the TT. Specs look pretty similar but with 3 band eq and thick/bright switches. Might be cool for metal tones if boosted with a tubescreamer?

Anyone had a go?
A Vox over an Orange? To me, that's like picking a Buick over a BMW :Smug: (not in terms of price, but rather incredibly boring and old vs. new and roaring) The Tiny Terror is in no way fizzy, surely you must know better than to trust someone who works in a music store! :lol:
yeah i take everything i hear from guitar store employee's with a huge pinch of salt, though this is someone i know from outside of music store land and normally he's pretty on the ball with this kinda stuff.

went hunting for vids on youtube and found this:

pretty good for rock tones i think, seems to be a bit brighter than the orange (duh, its a vox!) and the addition of the eq would make it a bit more flexible than the orange. the killer question though... can it do "teh brootalz!" :p
yeah some high output pickups and a TS are a given when it comes to chuggy stuff, and I deffo think the TT does the heavier stuff better than the Vox would. Though this is more an amp for the punk and rock bands I work with.

Love that TT clip by the way man, got an awesome growl to it, just wish the amp had an eq in it, would make it alot more flexible I reckon.

Will be trying both of these when it comes to amp buying time, along with a windsor and anything else within my price range thats in the shop! lol.
Meh, that tone in the vid would be pretty godawful for some chugga chugga I'd imagine, though perhaps with a TS, EMG81, and higher gain setting it'd be better.

However, come on now http://drop.io/Metaltastic/asset/tiny-terror-test-2-mp3 :D (apologies for the excessive wooly mids, that was through my old Stiletto cab, so don't blame the amp! :erk: )

I'm sorry Marcus but I think I prefer this to your recto tones :p

Trev, Vox sounds nice in the vid but I have no idea why you'd want to get one to do 'teh brootalz' ??? :err: