Vreid - Songen At Fangen

I like the music but i could do without the vocals. That's the biggest reason normally why i don't get into 95% of what everyone else here does.
Don't know Windir, don't really care for Darkthrone. Oh and that whole thing were I don't buy black metal anymore because I have way too much of it (like 20 albums, way more than enough). :)
This album rules all kinds of ass, I reviewed it as well. I love "Unholy Water." This album is so all over the place, changing style and yet they kick ass at everything they do. I would count it as a 2005 release too, the promo said the release date is January 2005, so eat it hippies. :loco:

U.S. release dates>Euro release dates

At least in regard to what albums U.S. writers put in their top __ list.
I uploaded this specific track because it's just so outstanding. Sure, the rest of the album is great, but man o man, this one song just floors me, especially the last two minutes....
LIstening to the track you uploaded....

Fucking sucks dude, what the hell am I supposed to like about this?
96kbit :cry:

That aside that song is marvelous, I seldom start rocking to a song the first time I hear it but this one made my head beat and fingers drum franticly on my desk :kickass: Those folky riffs, breaks and drumming style is the very essnce of a groovy song in my book
It's a very decent record indeed, but not worthy of a 9/10 score. It's kinda like Darkthrone's most recent offerings - very good material, but it still leaves a bit to be desired.
One Inch Man said:
Fucking sucks dude, what the hell am I supposed to like about this?

Wow. You actually think it "sucks" as in it's not any good at all? Did you click the right link? :loco:

Nate The Great said:
Just wait and see this at the top of a LOT of lists in 2005. It WAS released in the US in 2005.

Have you heard it then? Man, this just grows on me. :kickass:

It is a tad like new Darkthrone, in the sense that it has that thrash/punk feel to it, but there's much more folk melody throughout. Track #3 with the mellotron is essential stuff.

This was an 8/10, but then this song comes on at the end and I'm like.....YESSSS!!!!!! Fucking brill.