Vreid - Songen At Fangen

back to Vreid for a sec ... that Raped by the Light track ... totally reminds me of Show No Mercy if recorded today with Black Metal vocals
probbaly I am just imaginging things ... Slaughter (CAN) comes to mind also

but I can see how Crimson_Velvet got tired of this quickly.
"Unholy Water" fuckin' smokes. I haven't listened to my one Windir album a whole lot since I bought it, but for good reason. It simply didn't interest me all that much, while "Kraft" completely owns.

Also, I consider this a 2005 album, as that's when it was released in the U.S. Or at least my press sheet claims in was released in Jan. '05 and European release dates are really rather irrelevant to a U.S. citizen. Of course, I'm not going to argue about politics, so fuck it, it's going to be on my list anyway.
lurch70 said:
probbaly I am just imaginging things ... Slaughter (CAN) comes to mind also

It sounds like CAN?!? I'M ON THIS.


Raped by Light is the most 'single' track there . Believe me, I saw them with Enslaved last year and it was quite boring after the first couple of tracks. And I did know the album well. Enslaved was pretty awesome on the other hand .
Opeth17 said:
U.S. release dates>Euro release dates

When the album is first released > *

But it's because us euroniggers buy many of our cd's in the U.S.
I had to draw the line and go with "when the album is 1st released, anywhere." I figure with the commonality (is that a word? lol) of internet shopping, if the album's available, it's out, period.

Enslaved = 2004
Vreid = 2004
Overlorde = 2004
Thyrfing = 2005 (though it's not coming out until 2006 in the U.S.)

DICK: what Can album would be good to start off with? i've heard a few assorted tracks that were cool, and there's a store downtown that stocks an improbable variety of KICKASS music including some Can, Explosions In the Sky, a bunch of stoner rock, etc, that i wanna check out
Several people will care about this news: :kickass:

VREID, the new Norwegian band formed by former WINDIR members Hváll (bass), Steingrim (drums) and Sture (vocals, guitar), have posted the following message on their official web site:

"We have been working in our dungeon (studio 1184) with our second album since September. The recordings were finished by late November, and we have now been mixing the album for a couple of weeks. The mixing of the album was done at Subsonic Society studio together with Lars Klokkerhaug. Working with Lars was a pleasure as always. We feel that we have really found the formula and the right sound for this album; raw, powerful and grooving as hell. The last step of the process is the mastering of the album. On the 20th of January we will go to Tailor Maid studio in Stockholm and put the last make up on this beast. Release is set [for] March 27, 2006 through Tabu Records and worldwide distribution by Candlelight Records."

Entitled "Pitch Black Brigade", the album will contain the following eight songs:

01. Då Draumen Rakna
02. Pitch Black
03. Left To Hate
04. The Red Smell
05. Hengebjørki
06. Our Battle
07. Hang ‘Em All
08. Eit Kapitell For Seg Sjølv

Commented Hváll: "I am very satisfied with the album. I sincerely think this is the best album I have ever been working on. It is a continuance of 'Kraft', but yet rawer, far more rocking and more epic than ever before. Lyrically, the album is inspired by a lot of the brutal and grim historical events from the last centuary. Science-fiction seems bleak compared to the ugly history of our ancestors.

"We will also be making a video for the song 'Pitch Black'. The recording for this video will take place in January, and the video should be available at the same time as the release of the album.

"We hope to play as much live as possible after the release of 'Pitch Black Brigade', and we have already started the process of booking concerts. If you want to watch VREID live this year, make sure that you tell your local concert/festival management so. Spread the word and we’ll be coming to a scene near you soon. All booking related questions can be send to vreid@vreid.no."
MadeInNewJersey said:
We feel that we have really found the formula and the right sound for this album; raw, powerful and grooving as hell.


If you want to watch VREID live this year, make sure that you tell your local concert/festival management so. Spread the word and we’ll be coming to a scene near you soon. All booking related questions can be send to vreid@vreid.no."

lurch - get on it!
COOL. I shall download tonight.

Last night, I was walking home in the dark from the train station listening to "Songen at Fangen" on my headphones and I actually air guitared.
Dick Sirloin said:
Definitely try FUTURE DAYS. TAGO MAGO and MONSTER MOVIE are pretty essential as well.

I'm late in responding to this but Future Days is an incredible album, along with just about everything they recorded up to that point it predicts forms of music that wouldn't thrive for another 15-25 years...
BUMP for more Heathen Crusade obsessions!!!!

In this thread, the following people win:

Gugs, Opeth17, Spaffe, The.Donut, Lurch

Everyone else thinks this band is good.

So the overall consensus is that this band is somewhere between good to excellent.

Sounds like a winnar to me! :kickass:

Now to continue with HC2 preparations, I shall go find a thread on Bal Sagaoth to bump. Just kidding.