VST Amp sims


New Metal Member
Apr 3, 2011
This question is for Joey and anyone else who would care to share some insight, I was wondering, have you have ever tried out any VST amp sims (nick crow, tse, lepous, amplitube, voxengo)? Any feedback?

I'm looking into some amp sims myself. Keep in mind, I'm a Mac user! (Some amp sims are only for windows :()

Thanks for the input so far!

I'm liking the lepous plug-ins but a big downside, is they only make their cab impulses for PC. So I need to look into what impulses are available for Mac.
The Lepou stuff is the bomb. I highly recommend those. Especially the lextac model.

I was actually going to come in and recommend LePou stuff ... I've never used LeXtac though! I was gonna say Le456 and LeCto. I'll have to give that a shot.

Also load your impulses on LeCab2. These free VST sims and impulse loading is just as good, if not better than POD Farm...
With one draw - not the awesome amount of effects. Anyone know a really good free clean head + effects btw?
I was actually going to come in and recommend LePou stuff ... I've never used LeXtac though! I was gonna say Le456 and LeCto. I'll have to give that a shot.

They don't make le456 for the mac yet. Which is a bummer, because I heard some good clips of it.

Also load your impulses on LeCab2. These free VST sims and impulse loading is just as good, if not better than POD Farm...

They don't have the leCab available for Mac users yet either. :(
Get lernvall audio LA convolver for impulses if you can use AU plugins. Then go to the sneap forum and hunt down the S-High Pres impulse to use with it.
Get lernvall audio LA convolver for impulses if you can use AU plugins. Then go to the sneap forum and hunt down the S-High Pres impulse to use with it.

s-preshigh.wav.... I think everyones favorite fraction of a second :)
and if you have trouble thinking of amp sim software, check this sticky from the sneap forum:


Oh, now I've hit the jackpot. I'm curious to hear if Joey has ever tried any other amp sims before.

Another thing, as far as tube screamer plugins and such, I have yet to find any that are Mac friendly. I hear the tse stuff is great but they don't have mac versions for anything. The x30 sounds awesome! I might just have to get a PC.
Oh, now I've hit the jackpot. I'm curious to hear if Joey has ever tried any other amp sims before.

Another thing, as far as tube screamer plugins and such, I have yet to find any that are Mac friendly. I hear the tse stuff is great but they don't have mac versions for anything. The x30 sounds awesome! I might just have to get a PC.

You can buy Windows 7 (if you're a student, it's really cheap!) and install it on a Mac computer, no need to buy a PC!
That too :p
BTW, the guitarist I'm recording our album with has two (non-digital) pedals - a real Tubescreamer, and a Decimator. I'm not going to record with the Tubescreamer, because I may want to re-amp the tracks or something, so I want to get as pretty DI as possible. However, I think I'm going to record with the Decimator. Is that a good idea, or should I somehow leave that to the digital realm also? (I doubt it :p)
I have a maxon od808. However, I'm confused as to how you would use a real tube screamer with an amp sim... Run it through my interface?

I would go the re-amping route if I were recording a full band but for right now I'm just trying to get a decent enough tone to use for writing/demoing purposes.
I have a maxon od808. However, I'm confused as to how you would use a real tube screamer with an amp sim... Run it through my interface?

Yup... In real life, the chain is guitar -> ts -> amp -> cab, so the guitar and ts are just in the real world, and the amp and cab are digital!

Now a bit off topic, something that's concerning me. Does anyone know why my guitar tracks are sounding so... washed out? The strings are old, and the track isn't EQ'ed, but will those two things be the magic ingredient to the awesome modern sounding guitar tracks I hear here? This is the first mix/recording I ever did... I'm researching to make myself MUCH better, keep in mind this was like less than a week of me knowing what to do at all.

The bass track actually does a pretty decent job at "hiding" it. The tone is by no means bad at all, but it's not like what I'm seeing people with the same setup doing. This example was an 8505 with s-preshigh I believe, I think there might have been a low pass on the guitar too, and a few other minor things. No EQ.

To find a better example of what I mean "washed out" guitar tone, heres a ROUGH DEMO version of the full version of that song our guitarist recorded.

There's no bass track (ok well he did a very bad synth version of it :p), so of course that reduces the tone, but this shows a pure example of it. And the drums sound horrendous cause they are Drumkit From Hell! He isn't also an expert on mixing by any means (though he is getting better :) )

Would a string change and an EQ (and perhaps some compression and other editS) really make the tone get that modern kickass sound?
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Sorry to draw away from your question Spiritbeast.

But... I downloaded the LePou Lecto (VST) and the Lernvall LAconvolver (AU). I open a new track, insert the vst's (lecto and LAconvolver). I use the spreshigh.wav with the LAconvolver and I am only getting a dry signal.

I've spent a lot of time googling and searching the forum and haven't found a solution. Could anyone help me out?
Sorry to draw away from your question Spiritbeast.

But... I downloaded the LePou Lecto (VST) and the Lernvall LAconvolver (AU). I open a new track, insert the vst's (lecto and LAconvolver). I use the spreshigh.wav with the LAconvolver and I cannot get any sound to come out.

I've spent a lot of time googling and searching the forum and haven't found a solution. Could anyone help me out?

Not a problem, you DID start the thread afterall. I just wanted to ask a question I've been having with VST amp sims that was on my mind without having to start a new thread :p

I wish I could help you, but I don't have a Mac!
Sorry to draw away from your question Spiritbeast.

But... I downloaded the LePou Lecto (VST) and the Lernvall LAconvolver (AU). I open a new track, insert the vst's (lecto and LAconvolver). I use the spreshigh.wav with the LAconvolver and I am only getting a dry signal.

I've spent a lot of time googling and searching the forum and haven't found a solution. Could anyone help me out?

You need a low buffer size like around 128 and click the monitor or echo button (depending on your Daw) to here it directly over your playing, or track a wet and DI (dry) signal similtanuously and insert the plugins afterwards.
Hope that help'd