VST plugins - keyboard, bass

Well... There are tons of synth plugins out there (I correct myself, MEGATONS), but if you want something that's not a synth (with VCOs, VCFs and VCAs, hehe) you'll have to pay for it. As for bass plugin, unless you mean synth bass again, you're better off with just finding a bassist.

Let me put it this way... If you heard MIDI guitars on a record, would you not feel insulted?
Well, I don't know what the hell N-Track is, but if it supports VST plugins, there are many orchestral options. Some of the cheaper orchestral sample libraries are the Edirol Orchestral library and the Garritan Personal Orchestra.

Sampletank 2 kicks ass, and it has orchestral samples, though it's not a purely orchestral library.

There's always free Soundfonts on the net, so if you have a plugin that can play soundfonts, you might want to try that. I personally hate free soundfonts, as most of them suck balls, but hey, different strokes for different folks.
johanvc said:
You could have a look at the Bass Collection for SampleTank 2:

Or, alternatively, you could play around with SuperQuartet


No no no, definitely DO NOT go with Super Quartet. It's the most mediocre-sounding sample library I've ever heard. For such a cheesy collection of samples, it's way too expensive.

Try the Bass Collection, or the Bass Capsule by Sonic Reality, which is even better.

I got the demo of Superquartet, and i need something like it but that handles distorted guitars and stuff too cause i write my music in midi first and it'd be good to get a DECENT vision of how it's gonna sound while writing.
Well, reFX has a cool plugin called Slayer 2. It uses physical modelling, not samples, to produce guitar tones, and while it doesn't sound entirely realistic, it comes a lot closer than most samples. Might be what your looking for. I've played around with it and created some pretty kickass guitar solos, that, if you weren't paying too much attention you'd probably think were real.

There's a demo version at www.refx.net