VST Version of Axe-FX!!!!!!!!

Fuck my old boss had one of those and I spent YEARS trying to make it work properly hahahahahaha. I went to their booth at namm in like 2004 I think and the guy there basically told me straight up to not expect any updates......and sure enough they went under a bit later hahaha.

Fucking weak innit. :lol:

We've got the big ass keyboard in our studio; and it isn't really that great to be honest. Nothing that Absynth couldn't do.
Hmm... If you dont have an iLok, Line6 requires you to have a Line6 device hooked up to your computer to use Pod Farm. I dont see how this would be all that different. If I wasnt required to use the Axe-PC hardware as my ins/outs, Id have no problem connecting it, hiding it behind the computer, and forgetting about it.
It says you don't have to use their hardware as your interface, just have it connected like a dongle ;)

I didn't realise that :lol:

It does look good, and the sounds I have heard from Axe-Fx hardware have been really good, but being forced to have internet connected all the time? It just sucks:erk:
I think this would have been great. Pro Tools forces us to use an Ilok and you have to download updates every once in a while and I don't see near as many people complaining about that.

Connecting my audio pc to the internet would be one small sacrifice i would be willing to take to have the best hardware amp modeler (in my opinion of course) in plug-in format.

The Axe FX was probably the best thing going when there was only Line 6, Boss GT and Digitech GNX pedals going around.
Now with 8505, the LePou stuff and AcmeBarGig me thinks that no cost modeling solutions is probably at least equal, if not even surpassed that of a hardware modeler like the Axe FX.
I'm really curious why "next week" turned into two fucking years without any sort of word at all... and also why people are being so nice about it, when with everyone else, they act like spoilt cunts if it gets held back a few months.

Not a chance of this happening in the next few years. The horsepower needed to run the amp sims would put way to much strain on a PC and piracy would kill sales since they are a relatively small company.
damn I got excited for a second. No way I can afford the axe fx at the price it's at.
Holy crap, thread necromancy.

Well, the link itself is dead. From the previous posts, you would need Fractal hardware to use it. Just like with Slate, the smaller companies are more able to track cracks and sharing.
Not a chance of this happening in the next few years. The horsepower needed to run the amp sims would put way to much strain on a PC and piracy would kill sales since they are a relatively small company.

Are you kidding me ? The most powerful shark DSP runs at around 2.7GFLOPS ... Even with 2 of them, you are still far away from the current Intel Core i7 that runs around 70 GFLOPS

Please stop thinking DSPs are more powerful than modern INTEL CPU ...
Would be bad for business. Piracy etc. hackers would simply find a way to hack the unhackable if it was Axe-Fx.