Wacken 2005

One Inch Man said:
JayKeeley and ChiefB have both been called "black" by regulars on this forum now, whoa man am I cracking up horrendously.

Like when everyone thought those fat beaners I posted were Asian kids hahahahaha some of you fuckers live in 100% white society I guess. :loco:
Hey prejudiced man, calm down! There's a greek (or something) guy in Lögdeå and he has two mongrel children
LOLZ i also thought ChiefB was the black guy because of JayKeeley's "whoa man did you get sunburnt or what" comment in the original thread

I'm not always very clever
No, Erik you got it...

Dark One = guy on left

Gugs = guy in middle

Chief B = Indian guy just back from living under the sun in Thailand for 2 years and now looking like a kneegrow
Demonspell said:
Picture caption:

Mark: "Somebody catch me, I'm passing out!"
metal slut: "Furst zee licking, then zee spanking..."
Guy on the right: "Fuckin' German toilets!"
Chief B: "I'm getting me some of that metal slut action..."
Wacken stagehand: "I'm the token black guy!"

LOL ... you called Chief B the "stagehand" ... just because he's black, he must be doing some manual labor ... lol

Oh yeah ... and there are no chicks in that picture.
He's not black! He's an Indian with a really bad sunburn/tan. :loco:

Black = of African descent. Can everybody learn this and remember now kthnx?

Oh we know where this thread is going....
J. said:
actually I think gugs is the one in the middle with his arm around the black guy whilst wearing a Graveland shirt, ahaha

Someone needs to send this picture to Rob Darken.

Gugs and ChiefB representing world peace and harmony. If only Chief B was wearing a Public Enemy shirt and it would be perfect.
JayKeeley said:
Black = of African descent. Can everybody learn this and remember now kthnx?
Oh how I wish ChiefB were here to see this!

"Does this mean that Bethany is part black?"
Erik said:
Not in Sweden, anyone without pale skin and blue eyes is greeted with eyes as big as saucers and "ooh, it's one of them black people i've heard so much about innit?" whispers to nearest friend here
Yeah, I figured as much. Come to NY for a weekend. It's like living in a rainbow.

Quoting David Brent from The Office:

"A philosopher once said, 'you can't have the rainbow without the rain'. That was Dolly Parton. <pause> And people say she's just a big pair of tits."
I'm white, and have been all my life (strange how that works). Being somewhere with all white people would probably make me feel weird. Then I'd get a Hitler complex and the streets would flow with the blood of the unbelievers.

Hahaha like the Howard Stern movie where he's the only white dude in high school hahahahahaha oh man that shit rules.
Yeah, it happens the EXACT same way you go some place and you're the only one of your kind. A white guy in Harlem is obviously lost. A black guy in North Sweden is on the run. A Japanese man anywhere is a tourist.

Haha 20% immigrants. That's like seeing 120% white people in Los Angeles. :loco:

I want to move to Japan and rise in the Yakuza ranks as a white boy. I'll grow my hair out long and since I'll be a lot taller than all of them, shall become the Great White Lion. It's gonna rule so much.
Erik said:
You realise I'm just making the funny now and that I live in an area with roughly 20% immigrants, mostly blacks from Africa and sandblacks (how's that for politically correct) from Iran and Iraq, right
That's the thing about the USA. It's 100% immigrants.

That's why I've never understood racism in America. Just makes no sense. Don't like living amongst people of different colour, faith, religion, weight, shoe size? Man oh man, are you in the wrong country.
lurch70 said:
Who's who here?

Margugs has to be the guy on the left ... he looks like an anal lover :heh:
:lol: :lol:

Gee, thanks alot. Actually, that's what you end up looking like by 3:00 am at a metal festival after enduring a complete day of intense 97 degree heat, 97 gallons of alcohol and 97 million consecutive headbangs, not to mention something like half a bottle of vodka about 10 minutes before that was taken.

Bad pictures, but good times indeed.
What, did the US sprout from the magma in 1776?

So do these immigrants intermingle? And does every family besides the 20% live in the same house for thousands of years, making sure to marry only immediate neighbors?
Erik said:
Not in Sweden, anyone without pale skin and blue eyes is greeted with eyes as big as saucers and "ooh, it's one of them black people i've heard so much about innit?" whispers to nearest friend here
LOL ... it amazes me how you have the American Southern accent down pat. Where did you learn to speak English Erik?
Erik said:
There was that little "slavery" deal and your extinction of the native population and so on which OH GEE I DUNNO might have contributed to racism? 'Cause in reality obviously blacks still aren't equal to whites so what could be a better breeding ground for hate and fear between races than a "multicultural" society where the races still live largely separated and unequal?
That's what I'm saying. It makes NO SENSE when white supremacists in the USA are telling blacks to "go back to their own country". Think about it. But yeah, blacks are hung up about slavery so it's understandable that the resentment should go one way, but both ways? Gah.

This is really obvious of course but eh... I have a pretty easy time understanding racism in US as opposed to Sweden for example, which doesn't have a history of oppressing other races and cultures like the US, and so doesn't have the remnants of a "THIS PARK BENCH FOR WHITES ONLY DIRTY NEGRO GO SHINE MY SHOES" culture still lingerin'
I can understand racism in Europe because immigrants are flooding in and becoming useless vagrants raping the welfare systems and sitting around doing squat.

Tighter immigration controls = come to the country with money in bank; a job requirement that cannot be found domestically; complete adherence to tax and legal laws

America is a melting pot, on the other hand. Those are its foundations. It's not just for Europeans looking to escape religious persecution.