Wacken 2007

My opninon is: the best live shows are in the clubs, festivals are just "too much" anyway (big crowds, open space, daylight). Good exposure for some, but everything is lost in the drunken haze anyway :)

I second that.
The smaller, the better, IMHO. I saw The Haunted play in a reeeally small club in Gothenburg last week, and that event was better than the entire Wacken adventure last year.

My memories from Wacken 06: Drunk germans, mud, piss.
i just read that there were 72500 people in wacken... i thought well that there were a lot more than last year... that was too much for me.
Jeez, dont get me started.. They named themselves the "Camp Assozial", the ss were nazi-s.. pure white trash, pissed me off the whole time
Some pictures:

some crazy swedish people on the campground had brought a stuffed duck with them:

The straw on the ground is burning becaue of some cigarettes:
