Wacken 2008, who's going?


Language enthusiast
May 7, 2002
Utrecht, Netherlands
Since last year we had an absolute blast, I'm going again this year with a bunch of friends. Anyone else here planning to go?

Not that many interesting bands, but still cool: Iron Maiden, Carcass, At the Gates, Opeth...


I'd like to see Primordial also...they don't play that often. And which Gorgoroth is playing? haha! My oh my...looking back up...there is so much shit on this festival.
I was going to go with my boyfriend (drive from England to Germany) however we looked at the costs and it would just be too much money. I sold the tickets and I came back to the US to work for the summer instead.

I could see a lot of those bands at smaller, more personal gigs around here and in the UK.
Driving anywhere from England is too expensive these days. Must seem really bad comparing the fuel costs from some other places, I know that fuel was so much cheaper in the States last time I checked.
Fuel is way cheaper in the States. Even so, it's still really expensive here compared to what it was before. It's near $5 a gallon to fill up your car and small and more fuel efficient cars just aren't as popular. In Europe, I'm assuming that because fuel has been pricey for a long while, cars have adapted to cope with the costs (that and smaller roads, but still). I think it costs like $70 at the moment to fill up my mom's car, and she only has a sedan. (Mind you, that isn't £35 -- it's $70, as we get paid in dollars, not the exchange rate ;)).
Fuel is way cheaper in the States. Even so, it's still really expensive here compared to what it was before. It's near $5 a gallon to fill up your car and small and more fuel efficient cars just aren't as popular. In Europe, I'm assuming that because fuel has been pricey for a long while, cars have adapted to cope with the costs (that and smaller roads, but still). I think it costs like $70 at the moment to fill up my mom's car, and she only has a sedan. (Mind you, that isn't £35 -- it's $70, as we get paid in dollars, not the exchange rate ;)).

Yeah, I know it affects everyone. My comment was more prompted by the fact that it appears to be dollars that you would have been spending. For someone paid in dollars, our £5.20 per gallon must seem even worse than it does to us.

So long as I can still afford to get to work and my festivals, things could be much worse!

Wacken is almost upon us now...
MadTinus, we should meet up for a beer...

When are you arriving, are you camping?
Sure! There's some recent pics of me in the pic thread, be sure to come over when you see me.

So far the plan for us is to go there already on Monday, the festival area is still closed then, but the campsite (including showers and toilets) is already accessible for 5 euros per person a day. So in order to avoid the queues (we had more than our share of that last year..) and to secure a good spot we decided to go early this year.
I'm getting jealous now!

Have fun everybody and don't get too drunk!