Wacken Fest in Germany

Lord K

Busy pissing on you
May 2, 2002
Are anyone of you fuckers going there?
If not, you´ll miss the fucken festival of your lifetime.

Ah, and just a little proof of my domination. I just started thread number 666 in the chatsection.
I was there. I don't know how many there were buit I will eat my keyboard if it isn't bigger than the metalfest.
It was now the first time the W:O:A was really full. There were no tix left.
Is it better than Milwakee metal fest? I know two americans who travelled over who answered a resounding yes.

Was it good? Fuck yes.

Should people travel across continents to get there? Well, the australians I've met two years running seem to think so :D

Best fucking metal party in the world!

Only 360(ish) days till the next one...