Wacken Open Air

Well...i arrived on eh thursday...or fryday morning or something :) Can't remember that much of diriving up there...for i was sleeping on the backbank....with lot of beer around...
Originally posted by Rabenreich
eh but at Saturday i lost my way to campingground G...searched for about 2 hours but did not find it *s*.But not because of coffein :grin:
I did not find it! :D

Im not shure about the times...had no watch and lost my time-feeling completly...

Ok i have now the correct times :) i saw on Friday all Bands at Blackstage form Debris Inc. til Children of Bodom...a fried of mine says i fell asleep in the second row *s*.But til Children i was in the front...than i tried to crawl over to My dying bride but it did not work *g* Til a nice girl helpt me a bit *hihi*
On Saturday nearly the same...form Amon Armath til Hypocrisy in the front row...than the coffeinflashback came and i went back to my camping place...than i was sleeping till Guardian started...And than the Kreator Pogo... :grin:
Eh but i missed a few bands....namely Dornenreich,Trofrock,My dying bride and In Extremo...eh and Eisregen of corse.
Hey Svart... Good to finally see you here... I hope I can come visit you that date you know...

Yeah, I was also at Wacken, as you already know...

I didn´t know there was an UM-gathering downthere.. That´s a cool idea...

NP: Meridian - "Dream To The Sun"
They should have given a addition (right word??)...but they tried to be sooooo damn serius.Maybe addition is not evil enough...how knows?

I like the frist 3 Albums more than the new stuff.Ok Blizzard Beasts is a great album too,but this is not the "legendary" Immortal... their old stuff really made them immortal...
Yes, I'm definitely there!! It will be my first time in Wacken, I meant to go last year but I didn't have money and didn't even start to organize anything. Well, it's the same now, I don't have money yet but fuck, I'll try my best to collect money for the trip. At least I have some 6 months to do that! :) I'll be ordering the ticket during the next month.

As for bands, I'm looking forward to see Ancient Rites, Assassin, Dark Angel, Diamond Head, Rage, Running Wild and Slayer. Maybe I forgot something.