Wacken Open Air

Jup i have been at Wacken. *ehe* Whole day in front of the Blackstage...Best band i saw was Kreator,for the Immortal and Hypochrisy gig was much to short :( ....
@Blomma,are you the same as on Wishmasters page?Wacken channel or something...
Ah...okay Blomma,ich hab nix anderes erwartet ;) Ich bin da auch irgendwo-Rasierklinge...
Wacken rules :D even if i can't remember that much...
And if there is one thing i learned form W:O:A than:Never take coffein tablettes no matter how tired you are...
Originally posted by Rabenreich
And if there is one thing i learned form W:O:A than:Never take coffein tablettes no matter how tired you are...

What happened with you? Just curious because sometimes i use coffein tablettes myself..

Campsite H here:)
Well...my puls was going mad :) but for about 6 hours or something...and than i was lucky that i was able to get into the car of a friend of mine...And than i fell alseep till Blind Guardian stared to play (I took them...maybe at 11 o'clock )
eh but at Saturday i lost my way to campingground G...searched for about 2 hours but did not find it *s*.But not because of coffein :grin:
I did not find it! :D

Im not shure about the times...had no watch and lost my time-feeling completly...