Wacken reviews?

It does seem strange - I was talking to a friend in Germany the other day as the festival was going on (she wasn't attending) - would seem that people have had time to get back, recover and get their thoughts together. Maybe it melted brains this year?
It has...trying to write a review of it is bringing back all those visions of liters of alcohol and the headaches associated with them the morning after :p

Meaning I may write a Wacken review when I get off my lazy ass.
Well, my friend Heather went (I was suppose to go too, but "The Economy" :( ). She had a blast, but only caught bits and pieces of the bands' sets, except for Nevermore. Said they totally kicked ass, but she doesn't have enough info on the rest of the fest to right a proper review. Some pretty hilarious photos though. :)
Saw Running Wild's set list on Metal Set Lists web site, fuckin great. Too bad they are done. Maybe when they reunite in five years and Rolf realizes that his new band Toxik Taste is going no where and that they are a Pretty Boy Floyd rip off Running Wild can come and play ProgPower. Also read Gromen's review.. Heaven and Hell and Nevermore sounded killer. I wonder what all of these crossover bands think about the big boys that headline over them in Germany since they do not get much recognition in the states.
To me it looked like one of the weaker Wacken line-ups from recent years, although I know that there were a lot of bigger bands there for the younger crowd. I would have been most interested in In Extremo, Heaven and Hell, Gamma Ray and the unfortunately named Feuerschwanz. I saw some videos on Youtube of Onkel Tom Angelripper playing as well, which would have been awesome.

I have always been undecided as to whether I thought Wacken looked like fun or misery. Anyone I know who has gone had a great time, and videos of things like Blind Guardian's 2007 performance are just about as epic as can be, but at the same time everyone agrees that its a fairly disgusting experience as well. The incredible Corvus Corax has already been announced for 2010, though, and I would probably brave the stench and filth to see that. I think its great that the whole 'mittelalter' music scene is so readily welcomed in the German and European metal circles.
Gromen's review is up on BW&BK now.

On the other hand, IN EXTREMO is a guilty pleasure that doesn’t translate so well. Must be a cultural thing. Is there anything more preposterous than a strangely attired guy playing an oversized bagpipe with what appears to be a toilet plunger on the end? How about three onstage simultaneously, swaying to the beat! What about a giant, handheld harp? Welcome to IN EXTREMO!

:lol:...You've described me to a tee man! I generally don't like huge crowds, sweaty/drunk guys rubbing on me either! :lol: That's what I've always pictured, but maybe it's not that way.


Its worse than that...they dig latrines and thousands of guys just go to the bathroom there, and occasionally other places. There's an expansive campground but there's so many people that there is very little room all the same. Its kind of like living in a homeless tent city for a weekend.
It is still a great time though. I am planning to go again next year but probably will stay in a hotel though. The camping is rough and I will make sure I bring comfy boots too, it gets real real muddy.
Yeah it does appear that everyone has fun regardless. The videos from 2007 were great, that would have been the year to go.

I always get a kick out of the German news spots on Wacken every year.

Around 0:27 in..."We are not intelligent" :lol:
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The camping is half the excitement. You miss all of the parties if you hotel it, and the camping isn't bad at all. They do have port-a-potty's everywhere and a pay toilet that's cleaned on the hour, food places everywhere, beer everywhere, and even a shower. We usually just go to a camping store and get the body wipes for backpackers, they seem to work rather well. The mud...that's a different story, though.

But despite what you may have read, the camping wasn't bad at all and my gf and female friend who never thought they could do it have done it 2 years in a row without any problems. It's so worth it to just experience it once.
The camping is half the excitement. You miss all of the parties if you hotel it, and the camping isn't bad at all. They do have port-a-potty's everywhere and a pay toilet that's cleaned on the hour, food places everywhere, beer everywhere, and even a shower. We usually just go to a camping store and get the body wipes for backpackers, they seem to work rather well. The mud...that's a different story, though.

But despite what you may have read, the camping wasn't bad at all and my gf and female friend who never thought they could do it have done it 2 years in a row without any problems. It's so worth it to just experience it once.

I am leaning towards this view, and I would definitely go for a killer lineup. I always heard horror stories from years ago about ditches dug in the back of the grounds where there was a river of piss and waste, but maybe that doesn't happen anymore. No way the wife would be up for it though.

She can stay home.