Wacken Running Order

cthulufhtagn said:
hmm :Smug:
no offense though dude, you just had an oink moment, happens to the best of us :p

Hahaha, actually I took offence at the moment. Who wants to be compared to oinkness?

But I think I can handle it now. :hotjump:
You're allowed since English isn't my first language either and I always fuck things up. :lol: and besides: I fucking rule only 'cuz I'm a metal bloodbath bitch :kickass: and I demand a fucking beer. Period.

Sune said:
Yeah sure, english isn't my native language, so I'm allowed to fuck up sometimes ;)
'Bloodbath Bitch', it sure sounds brutal, BUT HAVE YOU GOT THE LOOKS? that's all that matters, haha, if you do, then I think I can afford you a beer. :tickled:
Well, I’m not the one to say: ‘Yeah, I am’ but sure I have quite good looks... doh! :lol:
Sune said:
'Bloodbath Bitch', it sure sounds brutal, BUT HAVE YOU GOT THE LOOKS? that's all that matters, haha, if you do, then I think I can afford you a beer. :tickled:

:lol: Thank you for remind me that shit, Lord!
Lord_AgathoN said:
Then have a good flight for your most expensive beer ever ^^

Of course! I always think we would have been very good neighbours. That’s for sure. The entire Bloodbath drinker forum!!! That would have been so fucking awesome though...
TrailofDeath said:
Make it a good beer though, nothing Lite, and none of that Budweiser shit!