Wacken this week

We have an assorted party of Myself, Nick and Dave from Intense plus Chris and Nikki from Shadowkeep plus 2 mates of ours venturing back to the mecca that is Wacken. We fly out Thursday morning....The Metal awaits......:hotjump:
With only hours to go, I still cannot believe that I cannot go. The bloody US immigration are so behind on their paperwork that I couldn't get my visa issued in time to let me back into the country! (I submitted it 7 months ago thinking no problem).

I am so pissed off. Had a backstage pass and all. :bah:

But to all those going....have a wicked time!!!! It is going to rule, even if Iced Earth were replaced by Twisted Sister....:ill:

Here's to Wacken '04 featuring (rumoured) Iron Maiden, Judas Priest (reunion), Blind Guardian, and Iced Earth (confirmed already).
Eagle said:
I'd hate to see the money grabbing Maiden at Wacken, probably will happen though. Excellent about Blind Guardian and Iced Earth. Hopefully the true Judas Priest too

Well I'm being speculative based on Dave Murrays comments about only wanting to play major festivals now that they're all getting on a bit.

Symphony said:
JK.....that's is very grim! We'll have to meet up another time then.

I've shifted my dates up to late October....pending visa approval. I'm still coming to the UK one way or another!
JayKeeley said:
Well I'm being speculative based on Dave Murrays comments about only wanting to play major festivals now that they're all getting on a bit.

I've shifted my dates up to late October....pending visa approval. I'm still coming to the UK one way or another!

Pity you couldn't come across for bloodstock
Eagle said:
Pity you couldn't come across for bloodstock

I know. I'm stressed out about the whole thing. You see, 9/11 changed EVERYTHING in the USA....I'll be lucky if I can make it for October to be honest.

Once the new PQ album comes out, we'll plug it big time over here. Heh, if I can't make it to the UK, I'll try my hardest to have PQ play out here. Perhaps at ProgPower V?
[font=Arial, Helvetica]Ok so here comes my attempt at a Wacken report, many aspects may be blurred in my memory due to lots of Beer & not writing mach down as I went along.

1st up the trip over, Argon organized coach trip, went fairly smoothly but 21 hours on a coach is no fun, I’m flying or driving next year. Whilst we experienced few cockups with the coaches the poor people who were in the hotel had endless problems getting to & from the site and back each day.

We were a bit late arriving so had to rush the tent up and were queuing for our wristbands just as CIRCLE II CIRCLE came on stage. They played tracks of their new album plus "Taunting Cobras" & "Edge of Thorns" which was great to hear & kicked off the 1st day nicely 8/10

ANNIHILATOR were next up and put on an awesome show, only the 2nd band of the festival & they were already hot favorites for band of the Festival for me. Good mix on songs in 45 mins including "Imperiled Eyes" which is my favorite Annihilator track & I believe has never been played live before. Also they had a brand new singer who’s only been with them for 2 months or so, he was great, really fitted in & had a wonderful voice 10/10

VICTORY aren’t a favorite of mine but played good solid rock tracks 6.5/10

Then SAXON made a ‘supprise’ appearance played a short but enjoyable set that went by so fast I practically missed it 7.5/10

The 1st night headliners were RUNNING WILD, not having heard any I thought they were like one of the original Prog/Power metal bands but were more of a king of Iron Maiden type thing. They played well and got a good crowd in 8/10

After a short fireworks display it was back to the tent for some kip.

Day 2 & the 1st band we see is the FORUM-BAND. For those who don’t know it’s some guys off the Wacken Forum who’ve never met who agreed to do some covers together for a laugh: Priest, Sabbath, Metalica, AC/DC etc. A few mistakes were inevitable but they did really well 6/10

Over on the party stage SEVENTH ONE were the 1st proper band for Friday, they were good but not overly memorable 7/10

We watched DIAMOND HEAD from the Beer Garden at the back, they seemed more energetic than they were at Bloodstock the other year but still a bit lacking somehow 6.5/10

Saw DARK AGE but can’t really remember much about them, I think they were quite good though

FREEDOM CALL were the 1st band I really wanted to see today, they played a cracking set with some great Power Metal anthems 8/10

SENTENCED were one of the few bands on the Black Stage I was interested in, they were so melodic many bands on the True stage were actually heavier than them. They played some good stuff & I shall definatly be looking into some of their albums. The Mailden cover to finish was the worsed bit, he really didn’t have the voice for it (I think it was The Trooper) 7.5/10

Then PRIMAL FEAR over on the True stage, I’ve seen them 3 times now, they are a band with that X factor you just can’t quite place but today the X factor seemed to have slipped a little, again I can’t say why but they just didn’t inspire as they usually do 6.5/10

Caught the end of the SYMPHORCE set in the Wet tent & they were cool, heavy but tuneful 7/10

TESTAMENT were one of the only other bands on the Black stage I was interested in. I don’t know many of there tracks but they were fun to watch & listen to 7/10

GAMMA RAY were another contender for band of the Festival, a great set with loads of energy. Ralf even came on stage at one point & I don’t think it was planned as Kai looked genuinely supprised. 9/10

I watched IN FLAMES out of interest, they were ok but not great, many people on the coach on the way back were raving about them but I can’t really see it 6/10

TWISTED SISTER were the 2nd day headliners, the songs are cheesy classic rock & they look like a bunch of transvestites but they get the crowd going, Dee in particular is a great show man. There seemed to be a bit of band friction on stage between some members but I didn’t catch much of this & I missed the middle of the set as my girlfriend wanted to go back to the tent because she was tired & we got a bit lost finding it in the dark. I got back in time for the last 4 or 5 songs & the fireworks. 8.5/10

Last up were SUBWAY TO SALLY and LORDI on at the same time. I expected Lordi to be like Gwar but there were actually pretty good & those massive wings looked excellent 7/10. Subway to Sally were supprisingly good too, don’t know what I expected from the name but it wasn’y this they sounded a bit like Skyclad and used loads of different instruments 8/10

Day 3 and I’m really tired & far to hungover for this sort of thing, not sure if I’ll make it through the day but I do just about make it.

METALIUM were the 1st band I caught, they played some good songs but just sounded out of practice, I know they are recording a new album now so that may explain it a bit, but they just made a few 2 many mistake & they had some irritating shouty woman come on at the end who is apparently famous but I don’t know her 6/10

I heard CARPATHIAN FOREST whilst lying down for a bit more rest (very noise) & missed EVIDENCE ONE who I wanted to see

Managed to drag up self off the ground for MASTERPLAN and they were certainly worth it. Coming a close 2nd behind Annihilator this band rocked. Roland played brilliantly & Jorn sang with a passion that’s rare these days. I hope this band stick together for a long time & make loads more albums 9.5/10

Saw some of CRYPTIC WINTERMOON because I liked the name, very loud & noise though 6/10 and went over to see EIDOLON who I didn’t know much about. From Canada (I think) and a disappointingly small crowd but they were really good, some real fast stuff but quite Progy too, I’ll be looking out for some albums 8/10

I saw RAGE supporting Primal Fear last year, simple songs but great players & well executed, they seemed to have picked up that X factor that Primal Fear lost 8.5/10

STRATOVARIUS were one of the band I was really there to see & there were well worth it. Defiantly in the top 3 of the festival their set consisted of mainly fast/heavy ones (unlike the London show which had loads of slower stuff to) they played plenty off Visions including Visions, Forever Free, Legion, Black Diamond & Kiss of Judas along with Soul of a Vagabond off the new one & a good mix of mid career stuff to 9.5/10

SINNER were the loudest band on the Party stage by far, I don’t know their stuff as well as Primal Fear but I preferred them any way. 7.5/10

I had a bit of a lie down at the back again for SLAYER, they sounded good but they were late on, didn’t speak much & didn’t have any fireworks at the end. Ask a fan but a bit disappointing if you ask me 7/10

Managed to rouse my self again for SONATA ARCTICA, if they weren’t on I would have retired during Slayer but I’m glad I stayed up. The sound for the 1st two or three songs was terrible (the worst of the festival) but this picked up around track 4 & they played a wonderful set. A good ending to the event for me 8.5/10

I heard ONKEL TOM from the tent & I’m glad I didn’t bother to stay up for them

Sunday morning was pack up & wait for coach time. The journey was every bit as arduous as on the way there & I was glad to finally get home. Wacken is an excellent festival but some how I think I preferred the smaller bang Your Head we went to last year, it’s smaller and more relaxed. Wacken is great fun but a constant, exhausting effort in comparison. Still I’ll wait & see what the line ups are like before choosing…..

Great report indeed Andi. You got to see lots of great bands.. lucky you, hehe.
It's quite understandable that you think it's exhausting.. it's a huge festival, and there is so much you want to see and stuff..
anyway, sounds like you had a great time over there.. and next year I'll probably be there too! :headbang:
I thought the weekend was fucking incredible.

The highlight: was meeting Gamma Ray again.

The best band: was Human Fortress on the wet stage

Every band I saw was excellent with the best performances coming from: Stratovarius, Gamma Ray, Freedom Call, Sinner, Twisted Sister, Sonata Arctica, Testament, In Flames, Oratory, Running Wild, Victory & Saxon.

My biggest regret was missing Primal Fear and Rage and getting my leg sunburnt (So much for wearing a kilt)
a kilt? haha, awesome :D
Seems that you too had a great time Eagle. :)
So your opinion is that Human Fortress was the best band. That's cool. I really like Human Fortress, and it's been said that they rule LIVE.
I'm awaiting their new album.. I've heard some new songsamples, and omg they rule!
Aye, I bought my kilt from a stall near the Party Stage. I'll more than likely be wearing the bastard for bloodstock along with my viking drinking horn.

Human Fortress were just amazing. The stuff from the new album sounded incredible live. I pre-ordered the new album the day I got back.