Wacken 2001


Peter Day


well i'm off to wacken, well hopefully as i intend to book up for coach travel/hotel accomadation tomorrow. Anyone else going??
If you are off to Bloodstock how about arranging a meet up there, then perhaps sorting a meet in Germany??
If you have never seen the lights nows your time. Can't wait to see the Eagle lighting up the sky.

I'm going to Bloodstock but unfortunatly can't make Wacken. I'm camping at a site in Elvaston for Bloodstock and I'm up for the Sunday and Monday so we can see Skyclad unplugged as well.
I'll be a bald bloke in a Metalhead Sweatshirt or Blaze tour jacket.

Hi Peter,

I defenetely want to go to Wacken, I can't wait to see the eagle on stage (the first time in my life!!!!!!!) I found a babysitter already for our little one, only my hubbie is still not sure about going, he doesn't know if he can get those days off. If so I let you know and we could meet somewhere there. Would be great to see some people from this board in real life! ;) (If we come over, then only for that day that Saxon are playing) JIL

Hi Nige,
Well i'm a balding bloke as well will probably be wearing Metalhead T shirt as well, probably haev my jacket on easily reckonised by its Saxon Logo and whitewolf insignia on the back. Come over and say hi i'll be rocking out down the front though..
Hi Jil,
yes sure when i hear more news i'll be back in contact on this title and can arrange to meet if you are going to Wacken.. never been so don't know what that festival is like. staying in Hamburg at the Hotel Monopol. So anyone in Hamburg want to meet up then grand.. very poor German but i will try to learn some more.
Rock on all. Can't wait for Bloodstock.

bout 5 of us are going i think, we r all about 18 and we love true metal. we hate numetal thats why we r going to wacken to see classic metal like saxon and also power metal like hammerfall as well.
are we the youngest saxon fans??

Well thats cool, the line up is looking great what with WASP being added as well. Now i can look forward to seeing some great bands. Looking forward to Hammerfall, Primal Fear, Annihilator, Saxon (of Course)and the rest.

Well i have decided to get a nice big UK flag and then put the word Saxon across it so if anyone wants to find us on the day we will use that as a meeting place. God knows how we will hoist it up but we will!!!

I'll be going to Wacken too!!!
If you happen to stumble across a drunkass Norwegian with long hair to the mid back, that could be me.
:lol: :lol: :lol: