Wages of Sin Medley/Helping me make things sound better

Sep 20, 2005
I just recorded a little medley of songs from Wages of Sin by arch enemy with my new 6505+ and I was hoping some of you could help point me in the right direction.

It's a Gibson Les Paul Custom (original pickups) to the 6505+ to a Mesa standerd cabinet into my Mbox. No effects or EQ on anything accept for some delay on the solos. Drums are DFH2.


Thanks! :)

EDIT: I think you can only stream it right now.... hmmm.

Few things though, the drums could be fatter, and compared to the rest of the mix, should be fatter, i think the kick could use something extra to compliment the rest better.. the guitars could use more crisp to em.. and they could be turned up..

the part around 2:02 RIPS! :rock: very nice playing sir!
Ravenous Enemy said:
too bassy a muddy for the Wages... sound, which is (some might say unusually) bright and sharp - especially the drums.
Nice playing though ;)

i agree, and the cymbals don't sound very good either, drums defo sound programmed, the tone is good, but not bright enough as said above.
Thanks everyone! Glad you liked the playing. :D

I'll try to make the guitars brighter and by putting the microphone more near the cone and cutting some bass on the amp. Any advice on making the drums sound less "programmed"?

Thanks again!
Less programmed? try fooling around with velocity in DFH2 if possible.. i am still trying to master this myself, but it should do the trick.. softer hits every now and then on anything on the drumkit is realistic..