Wages of Sin Question

Verbum Lux

Aug 7, 2011
Since Wages of Sin was originally intended to be part of Mirror of Souls, I was thinking of adding it to my playlist for that album. What I'm wondering is where to place it. I'm hoping that one of the band members or someone else in the know can tell me where in the track order it was supposed to go before the decision to make it a Japanese bonus track was made.
I may be wrong but I thought i remember listening to an interview and Matt saying that wages of sin was originally intended to be part of As The World Bleeds.
Yep. Matt considered Mirror of Souls complete without Wages of Sin.

I thought about adding WoS to my MoS playlist too, but decided against it.

If you have a Theocracy playlist, everything will fit nicely in there with WoS after MoS as it appears on the Japanese bonus edition (which is where it would come chronologically anyway).:erk:
I personally would imagine it after Mirror of Souls. As I believe that's how it was arranged on the Japanese discs.
On a side note: I've been listening to Wages of Sin for several years and I just finally read the lyrics a few weeks ago. Then I realized it was not about what I thought it was about. Once again, I am blown away by Theocracy's brilliant unique take. Wow :worship:
While the gist is that Jesus has already paid the price for our sins, I thought it was directed at the sinner (as a consolation), but I see now that it is directed at those who judge the sinner or thirst for vengeance. An uncommon take, and an unpopular one. I love it!