wallies: advance cdr review, have a read folks


spacestation '76film
Apr 11, 2004
:headbang::headbang::headbang:NEVERMORE Frontman WARREL DANE - Praise To The War Machine Release Dates Confirmed

Warrel Danes-Praise to the War MAchine
Author: Rob.K
Date: 2008-02-06 18:21:44
Views: 215
Got a cdr advance last sat and at first i was letdown...It totally comes across as souding Nevermore lite but with simpler songwriting....

But after 4 listens i am really luving this..Warrel is singing more midrange and even doing alot of lower parts as well as quieter parts..Like i said the songwriting is really tame but Warrel really shines on this cd..Track10-Patterns is probalbly his more passionate song he has ever written/sang on.....JUst one hell of a killer chorus....There;s a real IN Memory vibe going on throughout the cd but with a modern sound.....Not sure if the dude from SOilwork is playing on the cd but there's some tasty guiatr work as well..I would highly recommed this cd..Just give it time....


NEVERMORE frontman WARREL DANE's upcoming debut solo effort - Praise To The War Machine - is due for release on April 29th (in Europe) and May 13th (in North America) via Century Media Records.

Dane spoke to BW&BK yesterday (February 19th) and said that - depending on the album's response - he's planning on performing the material live in both Europe and North America. Watch for excerpts from the interview this week here at BraveWords.com.

The complete Praise To The War Machine tracklisting: 'When We Pray', 'Messenger' (featuring Jeff Loomis), 'Obey', 'Lucretia My Reflection', 'Let You Down' (featuring Chris Broderick), 'August', 'Your Chosen Misery' (aka 'Feel Failure'), 'Praise To The Warmachine' (featuring James Murphy), 'Brother', 'Patterns', 'This Old Man', 'Aeon'.
Hey Who the heck is Rob K.? Now I can't feel all special in being one of the few to have heard the finished cd.
The tracklisting posted on Warrel's website today is a bit different to the one that was floating around:

When We Pray
Messenger (solo Jeff Loomis)
Lucretia My Reflection
Let You Down
Your Chosen Misery
The Day The Rats Went To War (solo James Murphy)
This Old Man

So what is about Chris' guest solo? Did they forget to mention it or was it taken of? And what about the titeltrack? Is it equal to "The Day The Rats Went To War"? I'm a bit confused...
Logically then, the war machine =