NEVERMORE Singer Completes Work On Solo Debut - Dec. 16, 2007

This was on Julie's myspace


Lock down the liquor cabinets, badden down your couches and block him on your my space page. Little Matt Wicklund AKA Mooch Wicklund, has struck again.
The infamous Mooch Wicklund , who has stormed a path of debt and destruction is running up bar tabs in Seattle & La he will not pay , sleeping on the floor for free and doing what he does best: eating & drinking at other peoples' expense.
This smooth talking momma's boy drifter has crawled out of his parents basement in Snohomish, Washington back into the real world of West Hollywood, CA( the momma's boy actually may be coming man..) His 1st attempt was with his ex pornstar wife , Jasmine St Claire, which ended in a Thanksgiving debacle of him storming back to his mommy & daddy's basement while his devoted wife was being evicted with their 4 pets with nowhere to go and barely any money, after she supported him for 3 years & he had just gotten paid for a recording.
Little Matt Wicklund has been safely tucked away in the confines of his parents basement for the holidays. After being bored of the intense social life in Snohomish Washingtion and his booming career, he has been spotted at many of his old haunts in West Hollywood & seattle (the people in Seattle already caught onto his game) with all of his false , tired & played out sob stories in his feeble attempt to get free liquor ,and food, from anyone who gives him the time of day.
Mooch Wicklund is now infiltrating my space lying & saying he is single, while he is still a married man (no, his wife has not signed anything and may be suing his ass .. like he sued his old band Himsa) and is looking for his next victim to mooch off of by talking highly about himself & of course having his friends back up his every word. Then again, these are his hometown Seattle " friends " who alienated Matt when he was successful in the best band ,Himsa ,and moved to Los Angeles to have a life of his own. They never witnessed the dynamics of Matt & his wife and surely, love the fact that he is an average joe now.
Here is an image of Matt "the Mooch" Wicklund:

Now, ladies & gentlemen, here is the moment you have been waiting for....
more facts about Matt Wicklund and true stories about his sneaky moochy nature...
To Be continued
PS: Ophidian means a double headed snake. What a coincidence he named his other band Ophidian
I've been hearing the "Matt Wicklund is a douchemuffin" shit for about 3 years now. It's been time to give it up for about 2.75 of them.
Ken. He plays guitar, that's all I care about. I don't want his friendship, nor do I care who he steals/sleeps with if anyone.
This Julie seems awfully bitter. :zzz:



1: Matt is a habitual alcoholic . He has been binging for 10 straight years, even before his Himsa days. He blames everyone ,except for himself, for his drinking. Mooch Wicklund spent more time sitting at the Bar at the Rainbow Bar & Grill than the bartenders that work there.

2: Matt Wicklund is a musician who never heard the expression "don't quit your day job" mainly because he never had one. His highness feels that he is too talented to take on menial tasks like working for a paycheck every week like the rest of us.

3: Matt, the predator, (check out his my space profile photo & tell me he does'nt look like the poster child for captured predators),right now as we speak is frantically looking for new victims from coast to coast and across the globe claiming he might move to various cities at one time to lure unsuspecting females that open up their hearts & homes to this talentless drifter.

4: Matt Wicklund is a professional victim. He has been abused, forced not to work so he could play music, forced to have sex with an ex porn star, forced to eat prime ribs and it down with jack & coke, forced to run up bar tabs like flag pole, forced to have all of his bills paid, a roof over his head, free clothes, forced to see australia & the uk,

5: Matt , the hypocrite, continuously badgered his wife about her collecting of "porn money" while easily spending all of that porn money on all the finer things in life.

6: Mooch knew that his wife used to be a porn star & men's magazine model. Even though she had quit in 2000, she was still earning good money (around $6k per mo)from the website & sales of various merch, all of he which he made her throw out or he would leave. So, the ditz threw the stuff not and he threw stuff out for her.

7: The ungrateful piece of shizit, begged to join the band Himsa and once he was there , he made everyone of the band members lives miserable. prima donnas with penises are not popular in the heavy metal world.

8: Not only did he bite the hand that fed him (Himsa) he sued the shit out of them.
Tuns of that precious time could have been used for touring .

9: He used to brag that he was the heart & soul of Himsa and without him, they were nothing. Time has proved that the opposite is true

10: If you area young female girl and you are looking for an unemployed, spineless, freeloading, mama's boy who will use you like a roll of charmin toilet paper, then Mooch Wicklund is your man. He is the man for all seasons,especially if you live
So, don't ladies & gentlemen, you cannot say Wicklund with out starting off with wahhhhhhhhhh...
Congratulations Warrel, you just won the prize!!
Not that I really give a shit about the guy or really pay attention to it much outside what I hear from my friends who were really into this Himsa Vs. Matt thing, but this woman seems to just feed off rumors... Especially considering there was no lawsuit (or atleast, the lawsuit has never been a proven fact, just a blurb from Revolver which was written by Himsa), the only thing involving lawyers was checking through contractual agreements which never went anywhere since from what I understand Wickland was fucked from the start.

Though, the remaining members ought to be sued considering they didn't credit him for any of his work on their 2006 release. I'd be pretty pissed about that myself.

And the band got a lot worse after he left. They had a few decent tracks (Which I once checked back and most of the tracks I don't mind were written by Wickland, haha)... and then just fell into the fold of all the other cookie cutter metalcore bands.

I'm guessing this Julie chick has some old vendetta so she'll slander him by any means. Sad, really.
Same here, keeps telling me about the evils of Matt Wicklund and for the life of me I dunno who the hell she is.