wallpapers please

What, for like your bedroom or something? That would be awesome! When I was 5 I had Empire Strikes Back wallpaper in my room. Katatonia wallpaper would be awesome!


N.P. Men Without Hats - I Like

i found a few wallpapers,pretty cool
EvilVince said:
What, for like your bedroom or something? That would be awesome! When I was 5 I had Empire Strikes Back wallpaper in my room. Katatonia wallpaper would be awesome!


N.P. Men Without Hats - I Like

Uhmm.. Empire strikes back? I would've loved to see that room :err:

I would like som nice wallpaper too.. Now it's just white. :yuk: ...My room that is.
I recommend Discouraged_Tom's katatonia fansite for wallpapers and stuff... mine are there too.

I promised to make a few more and send him for his site, but unfortunately my software had a bug and then my screen went up in flames... *bla* ... gonna make them during the next weeks. So check out his site *g*