Wannabe heavy mix

From what I can hear, that's Addictive Drums, correct?

Anyway! Yeah, I love it... The guitar tone is awesome (details?), the drums sound good (details?).

I will say though, the drums are lacking in punch slightly, I'm not really feeling their impact, what I'm meaning to say is, they aren't really cutting through enough although to be honest if I heard this on a CD I would be singing it's praises.

Try lowering the guitars slightly, or limiting your drum bus and then bringing it up overall.
From what I can hear, that's Addictive Drums, correct?
That is correct. How did you make that out? From the cymbals?

Anyway! Yeah, I love it... The guitar tone is awesome (details?), the drums sound good (details?).
Guitars are GR3 with guitarhacks impulses and a load of other plugins, mostly EQ. Whats there to say about the drums... Well the snare was a pain in the ass to setup, I spent almost two hours tweaking it alone.

Try lowering the guitars slightly, or limiting your drum bus and then bringing it up overall.
Will do some experimenting tomorrow. When my demo is done, I'll post the whole project here. But don't hold your breath for it, I'm a veeeeeeeryy slow writer. :loco:
Awesome song.. great guitars drum and bass!

Like this alot.

I use addictive drums too and could learn from you, do you use the
processing inside Add?, or do you route all individual kitpieces?

Finally how do you make this sound so big? is this to do with mastering!
Tell me i'm really interested.

Keep it coming!
Awesome song.. great guitars drum and bass!

Like this alot.

I use addictive drums too and could learn from you, do you use the
processing inside Add?, or do you route all individual kitpieces?

Finally how do you make this sound so big? is this to do with mastering!
Tell me i'm really interested.

Keep it coming!


I actually use only AD's own processing, I don't really see why I should route all tracks and process them individually although that is arguably the "professional" way. But hey, if I were professional I wouldn't be using AD in the first place. :lol:

I've noticed that you can make the mix, particularly the guitars sound huge by making the bass and guitars mix together seamlessly. Kinda like when you tune your subwoofer to match your speakers frequency response, bass starts where treble stops. Of course it's not that simple in practice but you should aim for filling in the spots with bass where the guitars can't reach. In my opinion it's better to have overpowering bass guitars than boomy electric guitars. Before someone comes screaming "you fail at your own advice!!1", I know. I'm not so good of an audio techinician and I use really cheap headphones for mixing. But those are the guidelines everyone should know and at least try to follow.