Want a pair of ns10 at an interesting price?

Not too sure what info I could give that would be relevant to anyone else, since we all have different ears... but...

In comparison to my Tannoys. The SN10's are a lot more transparent. I think it comes from the lack of accentuation in the bass area. The tannoys, even though they have smaller drivers, really have this huge boost in the low-end. It makes mixing on them fatiguing, because you're raping your ears with low frequency content all day. It also makes it difficult to judge the level of bass guitar in comparison to kick drum.

The SN10's are easier to mix on for me. I can hear reverb tails a lot clearer, and as a consequence, I'm finding I use less reverb nowadays.

The analogy I could make is this - mixing on the tannoys was like putting a quilt over your head, and trying to give someone directions to the nearest KFC. Mixing on the SN10's is like having a well defined crew-cut, and giving clear and concise directions to the local french restaurant.

That probably makes no sense to anyone else but me.

I've used KRK's and Genelec's before. The Gennys had the same bass boost that the Tannoys have - great for listening to Autechre on.. but for mixing.. nah. I'll pass. The KRK's I've used were great. I mixed our bands album on them, and whilst I made a few mistakes, I'm happy with the results.