Want to buy: Copy of Apple Leopard 10.5.6.


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
Hey guys,

I want to upgrade to Leopard (currently still running Tiger!), so if anyone has a copy for sale, please hit me up!

Did someone get there tax returns already? I see you trying to buy shit left and right here lately lol

Haha nah man. Buying small stuff at the moment for my recording rig. Currently trying to piece together my drum mic collection and get my software square away.

But I did file for my return a few days ago, so the ESP horizon shall be mine soon, hehe.


how much are looking to spend on it? my girl just bought snow leopard and said she might still have her copy of 10.5.6 laying around somewhere but she was wondering how much you were willing to spend on it? PM me if you want
