want to get an i5


Aug 2, 2011
I have an 57 and i thaugt of getting an i5 to do the fiddleman stuff.. what do you think? also can someone point me out to stores in paris or amsterdam which sells it? i am there for a week and still seching for music shops
Do you mean studio Fredman mic position? I use a 57 and an i5 when mic'ing guitar cabs and it sounds great and prettymuch everytime I'm using Fredman position too :)

I also used it on snare but the other way around - 57 top i5 bottom and that's a nice combination too. Definately worth a shot.

EDIT: I also know that Scott @ Grindhouse used this combination on one of (if not both) the Sylosis albums
haha it might be fredman.. its the clayman sound described here on the forum. Is that what you talked about? and thanks everyone for the advices. i just dont understand why its more expensive than the57... strange thing