Want your opinions on my mix!


Dec 17, 2011
Richmond, VA
Hey guys! I'm working on a 7 song EP for my new band and it has to sound as freaking good as possible. We just got a new singer who's old band had a label deal opportunity, but that's getting forwarded to our band!

So here's our first single; it's more of a pop punk kind of feel, but I still use many techniques I've learned from you guys in the Sturgis threads. (Also because I've been following Sturgis since WCAR's Dreams EP)

Let me know what yo uguys like and what you don't like, and how I can improve!

Sounds awesome, what did you sue for the guitars? Almost sounds like real amps but could be Pod farm aswell.
Sounds awesome, what did you sue for the guitars? Almost sounds like real amps but could be Pod farm aswell.

Thanks dude! It was indeed podfarm. The Cali Diamond Plate, had too much brightness/gain for me so surprisingly I stuck with the Brit J-800, muted the cab and used four different cab impulses, plus a bit of surgical EQ, but that's it!
sounds great brother. i listen to this style of music all the time, so i feel like i am a good critic. what impulses ya using? quad tracked?
sounds great brother. i listen to this style of music all the time, so i feel like i am a good critic. what impulses ya using? quad tracked?

Just double tracked, hard L and R! Leads in the middle except for the harmony lead parts. I ducked the rhythm's about -1.0dB when the lead parts come in. And I use three different impulses, same for both sides:

It sounds good, the only thing I notice is the cymbals - EQ them a bit or turn the volume down.
And the vocals should be a little bit higher, I want it more "in the face" so you can hear the lyrics better, cuz the singer has a great voice so I'd love to hear more of that!
This is just my opinion, it sounds great over all! :-)
Nice mix- very wide and full. The guitarist has a solid performance! Did you find you had to filter a lot of the bottom end out of the guitars? It's a really good tone
This sounds great. The only thing I could say is what a couple other people have said about the cymbals. Honestly though, other than that tiny detail, this sounds awesome.
Nice mix- very wide and full. The guitarist has a solid performance! Did you find you had to filter a lot of the bottom end out of the guitars? It's a really good tone

Thanks man, that means a lot especially since I'm the guitarist haha! I had a high pass around 150, and made come corrective cuts around the 2k and 6k area, where all the fizz is