WANTED: Ticket to Opeth's Melbourne Show


Mar 26, 2003
I can't believe it sold out.
Anyway, now I am without a ticket to the show(April 11th Corner Hotel) . If anyone knows of anybody who is selling their ticket or if there are any underagers who want to sell their ticket for a bit of a profit can contact me at Donuts@Dog.com or on 9755 3639. I am willing to pay a bit extra for the ticket. I REALLY like Opeth. Why did they have to underestimate their popularity down here? Now I am sad :waah:

Any help is appreciated
I tried to but that ticket on Ebay. However, the auction only had 30mins left when I found out about it and but by the time I had registered and recieved my confimation email, it was all over.
Well at least your're up and runnning for NEXT TIME something interesting comes up for sale on Ebay... like Opeth Vynils for example. :grin: