Due to the Freedom of Information Act, in postwar motW-board, we are releasing the transcript of the WAR COUNCIL wherein the Great Powers divided up the spoils of War and talked best on how to keep the peace.
You have just entered room "Chat 21555141792979214804."
indieradioisdead has entered the room.
seipptastic has entered the room.
aviroig has entered the room.
goathorror has entered the room.
ozmagreed: WAR COUNCIL
indieradioisdead: hahaha
seipptastic: war council?
seipptastic: dfsjkfbdgklasdgfas
seipptastic: GRUYERE
goathorror: oh jesus
aviroig: haha
aviroig: IT'S ON
goathorror: they're already dead
indieradioisdead: yea it's sooo over
aviroig: seriously - they didn't put up hardly any resistance
aviroig: it was sad
indieradioisdead: the stairs thread blew their mind
aviroig: totally jake
goathorror: the thing is
goathorror: the only combatant to show any life was... what's his face... TERRY
seipptastic: he was all right
indieradioisdead: yea, he was coo
seipptastic: i respect his use of tom selleck
goathorror: and it was like sending the blubbering monkey over to... blubber
aviroig: there was that angry belgian dude, too
aviroig: he didn't like me using german
ozmagreed: ok
ozmagreed: yes
goathorror: i think i missed that.
ozmagreed: the angry belgian was great
ozmagreed: he sputtered like the belgians on the UN
aviroig: he so overreacted - totally amazing
goathorror: le mensch or whatever her name was over there - she whined and no one really got it.
ozmagreed: and their unbelievably weak response to the stairs attack
ozmagreed: "women"
ozmagreed: YES
ozmagreed: they were the aggressors
goathorror: they WANTED this
ozmagreed: note how first we fought on our ground
ozmagreed: and then moved the war to their turhg
ozmagreed: turf
goathorror: we gave them ample time to attack, regroup, and possibly attack again
ozmagreed: like Israel seizing the West Bank and Gaza after being invaded in the '67 war, we ought to keep their board as spoils
ozmagreed: but it would just cause us too much trouble
goathorror: i'm down with splitting appropriating their avatars and sigs, at least
indieradioisdead: well, not really
ozmagreed: i am glad we never had to S** SL*** them
aviroig: haha
ozmagreed: haha
ozmagreed: yes
ozmagreed: that is an excellent idea
ozmagreed: spoils of war
aviroig: too funny
goathorror: each and every one of them should have something like "MOTW BITCH" in their sig
indieradioisdead: we could own that board too... it doesn't seem to see that much action
ozmagreed: goatschool
ozmagreed: do you want to make a motw thread with all their avatars in it?
goathorror: ?
ozmagreed: for us to fight over?
goathorror: heh
goathorror: i think i can do that, yes.
indieradioisdead: OMG
ozmagreed: excellent
indieradioisdead: that would be awesome
ozmagreed: "save" them, too
ozmagreed: in case they move the address
goathorror: no problem.
aviroig: nice
indieradioisdead: classic
ozmagreed: actually you have to, with the new upload thing /forum/images/smilies/smile.gif
goathorror: sadly, though
goathorror: this is no war council without our missing major players
goathorror: azal, prep and fusoya
ozmagreed: indeed
ozmagreed: although
indieradioisdead: where is azal?....
ozmagreed: prep didn't war too much
ozmagreed: i think he's at work
goathorror: baliset was hardly a factor!
ozmagreed: but
ozmagreed: let's say "on the front"
indieradioisdead: prep only wared on MOTW board
ozmagreed: right
goathorror: true
ozmagreed: but she did "defend the homeland" quite well
indieradioisdead: we are totally the fromt line
goathorror: that she did
ozmagreed: she is better than duct tape
ozmagreed: in a tight spot
indieradioisdead: ...
goathorror: ...
aviroig: gotta keep the wimmins at home
indieradioisdead: i don't know how to take that
goathorror: this council might need to be adjourned
indieradioisdead: HAHAHA
ozmagreed: gentlemen, let me just say i am proud we managed to win this war
indieradioisdead: the avatar idea is great
ozmagreed: without causing the devastation of s** sl***
goathorror: :nodding silently:
ozmagreed: which you know i detest
aviroig: I, too, am proud of our mighty fighting abilities
aviroig: let us never forget
goathorror: the beautiful thing is
indieradioisdead: i am soo proud of Stairs...
goathorror: our communications were nearly psychic
goathorror: they were so fine-tuned and coordinated.
ozmagreed: yes, precisely
indieradioisdead: shit azal and i freaked me out
aviroig: i am saving a final screen shot of the anathema board
ozmagreed: i think i doubled josh more than once
goathorror: lovely idea, avi
ozmagreed: excellent
ozmagreed: also, i think we should take them as surrendered; if they got cheeky, i was going to make a thread called ANATHEMABOARD DELENDA EST and that would have been the end of them
goathorror: hahahahaah. aherm.
ozmagreed: so it's agreed
aviroig: and for the record: http://www.rhymezone.com/
goathorror: they are sad. they reek of pathos.
ozmagreed: any further fighting will be considered
ozmagreed: "guerilla combat"
ozmagreed: no longer between states
goathorror: agreed
aviroig: 2nd that motion
indieradioisdead: 3rd
indieradioisdead: (josh is dead)
ozmagreed: (nice avi btw)
goathorror: let our usernames hover over their airspace unhindered
ozmagreed: hahah
ozmagreed: excellent
indieradioisdead: hahaha
goathorror: and serve as reminders
indieradioisdead: we will watch over that board like the UN
goathorror: fuck the UN
goathorror: we are their coalition.
indieradioisdead: ...like the MP
aviroig: we watch over them like Guam
ozmagreed: we will raise a flag, and NOT take it down
goathorror: RIGHT.
ozmagreed: yet we should open our borders to them, i think
ozmagreed: everyone should be able to become a citizen of motWboard if they so desire
goathorror: le sigh is more than welcome to settle into our ranks
goathorror: as far as i am concerned.
ozmagreed: all right
ozmagreed: well
aviroig: terry whatshisname was actually pretty funny
ozmagreed: let's adjourn this council
aviroig: all that silly brittalk
ozmagreed: goatschool, set up the avatar splitup
goathorror: i will begin work on the spoils, yes.
ozmagreed: agreed all?
goathorror: someone wake seipp up
aviroig: the dope is adding insult to injury as we speak
indieradioisdead: ahhhh sweet
ozmagreed: postwar propaganda
goathorror: we have to reign in our troops lest we resemble behemoths
indieradioisdead: we shall be kind rulers right
indieradioisdead: or can i wip out the iron fist?
goathorror: patience, jacob.
indieradioisdead: ;lkjfgl;kjbs;lkjkl;jfgn;jsdfng
ozmagreed: kind.
MPGeekUSA0013 has entered the room.
indieradioisdead: IRON FIST!!!!!!!
indieradioisdead: ok ok... kind
ozmagreed: ok, im quitting this chat; i'll post a notice on anathema?
goathorror: oh no.
ozmagreed: or someone else want to?
MPGeekUSA0013: sup sl...uhhh...
goathorror: you are best suited
ozmagreed: who's mpgeek?
indieradioisdead: yes alex.. you do it
ozmagreed: k, in process
MPGeekUSA0013: it's me, the dope
goathorror: ah
indieradioisdead: you should have just left it at "it's me"
MPGeekUSA0013: yeah
MPGeekUSA0013: dammit
goathorror: the dope, the hostilities need to wane
aviroig: i invited him
aviroig: the black on black msg was a nice touch, I might add
MPGeekUSA0013: thanks
MPGeekUSA0013: i figured they probably hadn't ever experimented with that sort of high level posting around there
aviroig: they were pushovers
seipptastic: ghah
MPGeekUSA0013: yeah, i was sort of disappointed
aviroig: alright, meeting time.
aviroig has left the room.
goathorror: i am off on my mission
goathorror has left the room.
MPGeekUSA0013: and then there were 4
seipptastic: damn busy afternoon :-(
seipptastic: what did I miss
indieradioisdead: mmm, stuf
indieradioisdead: you should...mmm read it
indieradioisdead: and stuff
indieradioisdead: like
indieradioisdead: stuff
seipptastic: sigh
seipptastic: ok
seipptastic: mpgeek who are you?
MPGeekUSA0013: the dope
seipptastic: nice!
seipptastic: how's it going
ozmagreed: everything josh
MPGeekUSA0013: not bad
ozmagreed: the whole war council!
You have just entered room "Chat 21555141792979214804."
indieradioisdead has entered the room.
seipptastic has entered the room.
aviroig has entered the room.
goathorror has entered the room.
ozmagreed: WAR COUNCIL
indieradioisdead: hahaha
seipptastic: war council?
seipptastic: dfsjkfbdgklasdgfas
seipptastic: GRUYERE
goathorror: oh jesus
aviroig: haha
aviroig: IT'S ON
goathorror: they're already dead
indieradioisdead: yea it's sooo over
aviroig: seriously - they didn't put up hardly any resistance
aviroig: it was sad
indieradioisdead: the stairs thread blew their mind
aviroig: totally jake
goathorror: the thing is
goathorror: the only combatant to show any life was... what's his face... TERRY
seipptastic: he was all right
indieradioisdead: yea, he was coo
seipptastic: i respect his use of tom selleck
goathorror: and it was like sending the blubbering monkey over to... blubber
aviroig: there was that angry belgian dude, too
aviroig: he didn't like me using german
ozmagreed: ok
ozmagreed: yes
goathorror: i think i missed that.
ozmagreed: the angry belgian was great
ozmagreed: he sputtered like the belgians on the UN
aviroig: he so overreacted - totally amazing
goathorror: le mensch or whatever her name was over there - she whined and no one really got it.
ozmagreed: and their unbelievably weak response to the stairs attack
ozmagreed: "women"
ozmagreed: YES
ozmagreed: they were the aggressors
goathorror: they WANTED this
ozmagreed: note how first we fought on our ground
ozmagreed: and then moved the war to their turhg
ozmagreed: turf
goathorror: we gave them ample time to attack, regroup, and possibly attack again
ozmagreed: like Israel seizing the West Bank and Gaza after being invaded in the '67 war, we ought to keep their board as spoils
ozmagreed: but it would just cause us too much trouble
goathorror: i'm down with splitting appropriating their avatars and sigs, at least
indieradioisdead: well, not really
ozmagreed: i am glad we never had to S** SL*** them
aviroig: haha
ozmagreed: haha
ozmagreed: yes
ozmagreed: that is an excellent idea
ozmagreed: spoils of war
aviroig: too funny
goathorror: each and every one of them should have something like "MOTW BITCH" in their sig
indieradioisdead: we could own that board too... it doesn't seem to see that much action
ozmagreed: goatschool
ozmagreed: do you want to make a motw thread with all their avatars in it?
goathorror: ?
ozmagreed: for us to fight over?
goathorror: heh
goathorror: i think i can do that, yes.
indieradioisdead: OMG
ozmagreed: excellent
indieradioisdead: that would be awesome
ozmagreed: "save" them, too
ozmagreed: in case they move the address
goathorror: no problem.
aviroig: nice
indieradioisdead: classic
ozmagreed: actually you have to, with the new upload thing /forum/images/smilies/smile.gif
goathorror: sadly, though
goathorror: this is no war council without our missing major players
goathorror: azal, prep and fusoya
ozmagreed: indeed
ozmagreed: although
indieradioisdead: where is azal?....
ozmagreed: prep didn't war too much
ozmagreed: i think he's at work
goathorror: baliset was hardly a factor!
ozmagreed: but
ozmagreed: let's say "on the front"
indieradioisdead: prep only wared on MOTW board
ozmagreed: right
goathorror: true
ozmagreed: but she did "defend the homeland" quite well
indieradioisdead: we are totally the fromt line
goathorror: that she did
ozmagreed: she is better than duct tape
ozmagreed: in a tight spot
indieradioisdead: ...
goathorror: ...
aviroig: gotta keep the wimmins at home
indieradioisdead: i don't know how to take that
goathorror: this council might need to be adjourned
indieradioisdead: HAHAHA
ozmagreed: gentlemen, let me just say i am proud we managed to win this war
indieradioisdead: the avatar idea is great
ozmagreed: without causing the devastation of s** sl***
goathorror: :nodding silently:
ozmagreed: which you know i detest
aviroig: I, too, am proud of our mighty fighting abilities
aviroig: let us never forget
goathorror: the beautiful thing is
indieradioisdead: i am soo proud of Stairs...
goathorror: our communications were nearly psychic
goathorror: they were so fine-tuned and coordinated.
ozmagreed: yes, precisely
indieradioisdead: shit azal and i freaked me out
aviroig: i am saving a final screen shot of the anathema board
ozmagreed: i think i doubled josh more than once
goathorror: lovely idea, avi
ozmagreed: excellent
ozmagreed: also, i think we should take them as surrendered; if they got cheeky, i was going to make a thread called ANATHEMABOARD DELENDA EST and that would have been the end of them
goathorror: hahahahaah. aherm.
ozmagreed: so it's agreed
aviroig: and for the record: http://www.rhymezone.com/
goathorror: they are sad. they reek of pathos.
ozmagreed: any further fighting will be considered
ozmagreed: "guerilla combat"
ozmagreed: no longer between states
goathorror: agreed
aviroig: 2nd that motion
indieradioisdead: 3rd
indieradioisdead: (josh is dead)
ozmagreed: (nice avi btw)
goathorror: let our usernames hover over their airspace unhindered
ozmagreed: hahah
ozmagreed: excellent

indieradioisdead: hahaha
goathorror: and serve as reminders
indieradioisdead: we will watch over that board like the UN
goathorror: fuck the UN
goathorror: we are their coalition.
indieradioisdead: ...like the MP
aviroig: we watch over them like Guam
ozmagreed: we will raise a flag, and NOT take it down
goathorror: RIGHT.
ozmagreed: yet we should open our borders to them, i think
ozmagreed: everyone should be able to become a citizen of motWboard if they so desire
goathorror: le sigh is more than welcome to settle into our ranks
goathorror: as far as i am concerned.
ozmagreed: all right
ozmagreed: well
aviroig: terry whatshisname was actually pretty funny
ozmagreed: let's adjourn this council
aviroig: all that silly brittalk
ozmagreed: goatschool, set up the avatar splitup
goathorror: i will begin work on the spoils, yes.
ozmagreed: agreed all?
goathorror: someone wake seipp up
aviroig: the dope is adding insult to injury as we speak
indieradioisdead: ahhhh sweet
ozmagreed: postwar propaganda
goathorror: we have to reign in our troops lest we resemble behemoths
indieradioisdead: we shall be kind rulers right
indieradioisdead: or can i wip out the iron fist?
goathorror: patience, jacob.
indieradioisdead: ;lkjfgl;kjbs;lkjkl;jfgn;jsdfng
ozmagreed: kind.
MPGeekUSA0013 has entered the room.
indieradioisdead: IRON FIST!!!!!!!
indieradioisdead: ok ok... kind
ozmagreed: ok, im quitting this chat; i'll post a notice on anathema?
goathorror: oh no.
ozmagreed: or someone else want to?
MPGeekUSA0013: sup sl...uhhh...
goathorror: you are best suited
ozmagreed: who's mpgeek?
indieradioisdead: yes alex.. you do it
ozmagreed: k, in process
MPGeekUSA0013: it's me, the dope
goathorror: ah
indieradioisdead: you should have just left it at "it's me"
MPGeekUSA0013: yeah
MPGeekUSA0013: dammit
goathorror: the dope, the hostilities need to wane
aviroig: i invited him
aviroig: the black on black msg was a nice touch, I might add
MPGeekUSA0013: thanks
MPGeekUSA0013: i figured they probably hadn't ever experimented with that sort of high level posting around there
aviroig: they were pushovers
seipptastic: ghah
MPGeekUSA0013: yeah, i was sort of disappointed
aviroig: alright, meeting time.
aviroig has left the room.
goathorror: i am off on my mission
goathorror has left the room.
MPGeekUSA0013: and then there were 4
seipptastic: damn busy afternoon :-(
seipptastic: what did I miss
indieradioisdead: mmm, stuf
indieradioisdead: you should...mmm read it
indieradioisdead: and stuff
indieradioisdead: like
indieradioisdead: stuff
seipptastic: sigh
seipptastic: ok
seipptastic: mpgeek who are you?
MPGeekUSA0013: the dope
seipptastic: nice!
seipptastic: how's it going
ozmagreed: everything josh
MPGeekUSA0013: not bad
ozmagreed: the whole war council!