War Criminal to head 9/11 Investigation

I read about this...i dont really know too much about the history of kissinger, but i know hes not a nice guy. Anyone care to give me any more info on him?
They've also recently appointed Admiral John Poindexter as the head of a new Office of Information Awareness at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, which is responsible for developing "new surveillance technologies." Specifically, a frighteningly far-reaching abolition of privacy rights has been proposed, called Total Information Awareness. It will provide intelligence and law enforcement officials instant access to information from email and calling records to credit card and banking transactions and travel documents, without a search warrant.

I'm not particularly libertarian -- stoplight cameras don't bother me, I generally figure if you're not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about, etc. But I find the appointment of a publicly disgraced official to such a sensitive post as this rather unsettling. (Poindexter was convicted in 1990 for instructing Reagan to lie about the Iran-Contra affair.)

Clearly, the Bush administration is not concerned about impropriety.
Shouldn't Kissinger be in jail like any war criminal.

Can't the States at least try to be objective? The fact is that as much as it might hurt the face of the gov't, it is also in the best interest of it's ppl so that maybe it can be prevented in the future............................Sorry what a stupid statement since when does any gov't look out for it's ppl at the risk of losing face. It is truely rare.
Ah.... Yeah, Clinton did no wrong. I guess his bombings, his coverups, and his abuses of powers were okay?

TWA flight 800, Dick Morris (now that guy was evil), and being a pawn of the Chinese government were okay? :guh:

We should just drop this. :devil:

All politicians suck... is that agreeable? :lol: