war on drugs...

colonel kurtz

Sep 7, 2006
not to start more shit around here in regards to drugs and the like, but i just saw a pretty eye-opening article in the local paper...turns out the local cops just received a $160k check from the DEA that's essentially their cut of drug-related cash and property that's been seized over the last year

to go along with the myriad of other reason why the authorities cling to the failed war on drugs, it seems to me like this is the most glaring reason, and it's one i'm surprised that i don't see mentioned more often!
Eh, $160k probably pays to keep 2 cops on the street for a year if you factor in training, salary, benefits, equipment and vehicles. It's nothing compared to what they spend arresting and keeping people in jail. Now if they'd sell the drugs they seize....
yea, but it also needs to be noted that this was 1 year's check, from a PD of a city of 30,000 people. also note that there's less than 20 cops in the city...so by that own estimation, seized drug funds pay for 10% of the workforce

i'd really like to know how much of this money goes back into police departments nationwide!
You sort of missed the point though. The DEA may pay for two cops, but would you need those two cops if you weren't enforcing drug laws? And what are you spending to detain, jail, arraign and prosecute those users and dealers?
One of the fundamental flaws of the drug war is that it hemorrhages tax dollars and shows minimal results.
Opiate addiction is the scary, but addiction to synthetic opiates is even scarier:


Also, these videos are completely NWS, not only for some nudity in last 5 minutes, but mainly because this drug literally rots the flesh off your bones. The first video is sort of a medical documentary in Russian, the second is a social documentary.

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Now if they'd sell the drugs they seize....

I kind of assumed that government officials make most of their money selling the drugs back to the drug dealers. Isn't that common knowledge?

There's no way the drugs just sit in some storage place. It would be like a Fort Knox made of meth. If there were such a place, you could instantly wipe out the homeless issue by sending them all there to use up the confiscated drugs and die in peace.

No, don't be naive, seized drugs are only confiscated by name. They are definitely being used somewhere.
I kind of assumed that government officials make most of their money selling the drugs back to the drug dealers. Isn't that common knowledge?

There's no way the drugs just sit in some storage place. It would be like a Fort Knox made of meth. If there were such a place, you could instantly wipe out the homeless issue by sending them all there to use up the confiscated drugs and die in peace.

No, don't be naive, seized drugs are only confiscated by name. They are definitely being used somewhere.

They get incinerated after any use for them is up. There are definitely giant rooms all over stuffed with evidence relating to ongoing trials/ possible appeals active in the judicial system. (drugs, weapons, clothing etc..) Other drugs found not related to criminal trials are incinerated within a few weeks or so.

Now I'm SURE there are a few dudes (maybe more than a few) who've managed to get their hands on a giant pile of evidence and sell a bit of it, but to suggest that government officials have made a racket of re-selling confiscated hard drugs is pretty far-fetched...

Also I'm with the many who believe the war on drugs to be a failure and a waste of tax dollars, specifically when it comes to arresting, housing and prosecuting small time law-breakers (little bit o' weed?) as egan said. Marijuana should definitely be legalized and sold as any other controlled substance.
Eh, $160k probably pays to keep 2 cops on the street for a year if you factor in training, salary, benefits, equipment and vehicles. It's nothing compared to what they spend arresting and keeping people in jail. Now if they'd sell the drugs they seize....

In retrospect, I'm agreeing with egan. Also, the drug war is incredibly complicated, especially when you look at it on a global scale. What works for one country may not work for another. Also, Latin America vs Golden Crescent vs Golden Triangle are totally different matters with completely different social implications and dynamics.
Surprised a separate thread wasn't started for that Miami case!


Having dropped a couple of times in my life, I can sure as hell tell you that this was not an acid trip. It was probably an experimental drug passed off as acid. Also, picture below is totally NWS, it's basically a photo of the crime scene and the victim.


Absolutely mental! Makes me think of a mix of PCP and DMT...
Guy could of just snapped. Shit happens.

A friend of mine got some bad acid and was freaking the fuck out. He kept running off to who know where in fear. The first time, I found him fighting a tree violently. A few hours later I found him chewing on a street curb. He came out of it OK but his acid days ended there and then.
Surprised a separate thread wasn't started for that Miami case!


Having dropped a couple of times in my life, I can sure as hell tell you that this was not an acid trip. It was probably an experimental drug passed off as acid. Also, picture below is totally NWS, it's basically a photo of the crime scene and the victim.


what you're seeing is in fact the beginning of the zombie apocalypse :lol:

and yes, before and in case anyone decides to jump all over me, I find it funny

Those cops should watch more zombie movies ... everyone knows it only takes a single head shot to take them out :p
quick update...FWIW, i recently also learned that the local PD received 2 other DEA checks in the last 12 months, with a total of over $500k for all 3 combined. while egan was correct in his initial assertion that $160k isn't a whole lot in the realm of public budgets, i'd say a half million per year is pretty stout for a city of 36,000 people!
Somewhere, a super-powered eighties businessman is crying.

due to knowing a bit about Anthony's background, maybe he's crying a bit, too ;)

About the guy who ate the man's face, in a large German newspaper they wrote it was probably cocaine and
my first thought was: you guys have no clue about drugs...that's not what you're going to do with a bit of snow
in your nose.

Heard some crazy stuff that happened after mixing meth with other stuff and so on, but it sure wasn't cocaine.

I also don't think that most of the confiscated drugs are going to be sold back, at least in the USA, on a
smaller scale, sure, but not in a big way-in Germany all the stuff gets burned or destroyed in another way,
I know a guy who works for the German police who actually was at a place where they destroyed like
half a ton of LSD, a few hundred pills and 2 tons weed.
They even shredder confiscated weapons most of the time after sometime.