War...war never changes...


Renegade Folk Hero
Jun 11, 2009
N.S.W. Australia



This is what it looked like at 7am this morning. The worst dust storm my state has ever seen. Fun times.
It was pretty awesome waking up at 6:30 to orange skies.

Especially since I've been playing Fallout 3 heaps, I was like "Have I tempted fate here?" :lol:
badass man, thanks for sharing those pix. that musta been a real mind trip waking up to those skies.

but the real question is.... what the hell are you doing up at 7am?!?
Hah my mum rang me up at 9 cause she thought I'd think it was cool. She was correct! I listened to a shitload of sybreed yesterday so I was ready for mars to happen
Holy fuck, never seen anything like that before. I thought these were taken using a camera-effect or photoshopped before reading the text underneath em....
I really can't imagine a situation like that. What happens in a dust storm? Does everybody stay at home and wait until it's over or what? Also how do they come about?
fallout 3's opening monologue was SO fucking awful
"war.... WAR NEVER CHANGES" *cue epic fucking drama that doesnt really mean anything deep in the slightest*

dust storms look fucking awesome though
I will answer for Nic, as he is likely in bed...we just played a show.

He was up early because he had a job interview quite far away from his place.

this storm is still going...to a lesser extent now but is still going. It is insane!
yeah i know that
but the rest of the monologue in FO3 was fucking terrible compared to the old ones