Wardrum - Messenger

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Last album from these Greeks was a bit average but showed promise. They've definitely improved shedloads since then. Great couple of melodic power metal songs here with top class power metal caterwauling from the singer. The guitarists are superb too with sweet fluid melodic solos and they sound very influenced by the shred maestro Gus G. In fact this sounds a bit more inspired than recent Firewind material I must say.

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Yes, big improvement for Wardrum on that album. This is very good stuff indeed. BTW, is it the same singer as before? If it's the case, he improved a lot too.
This is easily their best work to date. They had a different singer on the first album and it wan't very good. The last one was much better with new singer and this new one is the best overall. Kudos to them!! \m/