warm up gig in liverpool

Mick Moss

Apr 12, 2002
If anyone lives in Liverpool, me and Danny are doing a small warm up gig with Ste Hughes on bass on Sunday night in the Lago, Seel Street, at around 8.30pm.

Its only a short one, more to the point of getting me used to performing in front of an audience, so its an acoustic gig in the format of the stuff were doing in Belgium, and yes there will be an Anathema track or three getting played on Sunday.

Oh poo.......
Are you gonna perform like this?
:heh: :headbang: :devil: :devil: :loco:

Okay, just kiddin'...
Originally posted by Mick Moss
If anyone lives in Liverpool, me and Danny are doing a small warm up gig with Ste Hughes on bass on Sunday night in the Lago, Seel Street, at around 8.30pm.

Its only a short one, more to the point of getting me used to performing in front of an audience, so its an acoustic gig in the format of the stuff were doing in Belgium, and yes there will be an Anathema track or three getting played on Sunday.

Oh poo.......

Hello! I will be in Liverpool that Sunday so you can bet that I'll see you hehehe :) Thanx a lot for this, since I won't be able to come to the other gigs, and I was banging my head on the wall cause i'd miss it... This would be something to comfort my pain...

Oh well, see you in Liverpool then :)

Take care :)
Cant make it sadly:(

What was that place i went to with you guys before the gig at the Picket with At THe Gates?

Wilsons i think?
Man that place looked rough!:eek:
Erm :err: ... Wait a sec... Mick, when you say "Sunday" you mean like, tommorrow, or Sunday the 29th :confused: ??? Cause if it's tommorrow then I can't come :mad: . I'll tell a friend of mine to be there though... Duncan will tell you about her... Just take care of her :)

Oh God... I don't want to miss this one too. :( Plz tell me it's on next Sunday peaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase :err:

Anyway, take care....