Warmachine - band most deserving of a contract


New Metal Member
Sep 22, 2002
This group hails from Canada. Influences from most of the old school metal, but mostly straight forward, very catchy songs.

Their entire demo is available for download.

They've had some attention from some pretty well known people, including some guest appearances by Dave Ellefson, as well as folks from Iced Earth and Harem Scarem.

Most definitely worth the time to check out. http://www.warmachineonline.com/main.htm
Rapture Radio recently played their as yet to be released fulkl length album and have songs from the album currently in the playlist!
I could not agree more Best Unsighned band out there hands down!
I have been a fan for many years and I asked if I could world premeir their new full length and they said yes!
We had a ton of people listning and the songs from the new album continue to get high ratings and tons of request.
The album is called "Begening of the End" and it is amazing!