you didnt get the keys on warmen? duuude thats soo bad, it's the main point(the soul) of warmen, for me its like if it would be connected to my mind
you didnt get the keys on warmen? duuude thats soo bad, it's the main point(the soul) of warmen, for me its like if it would be connected to my mind
Warmen> everything else
Its literally the great Janne Warman's awesomeness purely translated into music. There isn't anything better than that.
The reason why I whore them so much. Take out the vocals and you have one of the best instrumental bands ever. (imo)
Someone with a name "Fury of the Storm" obviously cannot have an opinion on Power Metal!
lawl, its mainly only kochon and that other guy that think warmen are better
that prooves that sinergy ARE better because of the fans alone
I can't tell if you guys are serious or not. I think I will play it cool and say you guys are joking around.
Oh right, I forgot. Dragonforce is the mallcore of power metal. Obviously since I like their music I have know idea about metal in general, since you know who I am 100%.Dragonforce is fake Power Metal, Power Metal for those who don't know what Power Metal is.
And you're agreeing with Kochon... Kochon is a retard, you're agreeing with a retard.
But saying thay "nothing is better than Warmen" is just plain insanity. There is an abundance of bands that are musically better than Warmen. That's like someone saying "Green Day are the best band in the world".
Well, I have to admit I don't like Warmen that much... whereas Sinergy's music is untouchable, I adore it.Sinergy > Warmen.
I have nothing against her... well, maybe her singing is everything but perfect, but there are some songs in which I think her voice is ok and fits quite well.Me don't like Kimberly.
in one of my posts I clarify that they are the best concerning side projects. Sorry for not making that clear in the first place, my bad. But I am only expressing my opinion, it might sound like I am trying state a fact but it's only my opinion.
They and Trivium will be the sharpest metal when I go see them in november 23. Trivium are definitely going to get bottled, whether it's by me or some Incorrigible Ale-Hound I know not.Dragonforce is the hardest metal!