Warming Up.


He Who Can Not Be Named
Oct 19, 2002
Lately when i've played a gig,i get half way through a set and my left hand just cramps so bad.I don't know whether it's nerves or what but one thing i do know is i usually don't get the time to warm up when i do go on.When i do warm up i usually do a couple of arm and finger stretches and run through some scales on the guitar.I was wondering if anyone out there has a better warming up technique?
Ive never really had to "Warm Up" Im good from pick up to put down, but if your hand is really cramping bad, I suggest hand isometrics. Stretching your fingers, Your wrist, and tendons all the way through your forearm, it helps alot! Good luck!:)
Stretch forearms, and most upper body stuff, run your hands under warm water (wrists) to get circulation up and then do some simple chromatic excercises, then some scales and work up the speed. Frantic headbanging also helps, anything to get the blood pumping :)
Originally posted by union9
Thanx for the reply dude.

No problem, I went through something similar quite a few years back then I found a book on hand isometrics, Stretching fingers, tendons and what not. It worked great. So hopefully you will get it worked out ;)
I'm having a similar problem, though I'm sure it's because I've only been playing for a few years. When playing songs that are power chord heavy with alot of sliding, aka Metallica's "The Four Horsemen", my hand doesn't cramp that much, because I try not to push down too hard on the frets. I have to consciously think, "it's not an acoustic, take it easy", and I usually get through. It still gets a little stiff, but I usually just work it out afterwards. However, after I'm done with the song, and it's usually at least a 7 minute one, my left wrist is EXTREMELY stiff and sore. I bend it back and forth once or twice and I'm good to go, but it still sucks. I was just wondering if this is a matter of not warming up enough, not playing enough years, or maybe improper technique. It doesn't hurt when I'm doing other things, so it's not a physical problem. Any suggestions?
Originally posted by thrashmetal78
I'm having a similar problem, though I'm sure it's because I've only been playing for a few years. When playing songs that are power chord heavy with alot of sliding, aka Metallica's "The Four Horsemen", my hand doesn't cramp that much, because I try not to push down too hard on the frets. I have to consciously think, "it's not an acoustic, take it easy", and I usually get through. It still gets a little stiff, but I usually just work it out afterwards. However, after I'm done with the song, and it's usually at least a 7 minute one, my left wrist is EXTREMELY stiff and sore. I bend it back and forth once or twice and I'm good to go, but it still sucks. I was just wondering if this is a matter of not warming up enough, not playing enough years, or maybe improper technique. It doesn't hurt when I'm doing other things, so it's not a physical problem. Any suggestions?

I honestly think your right. I think its a matter of finesse and not digging your fingers into the fret board to get to the chords. As long as your using less pressure it shouldnt cramp or hurt that bad at all.
Well, pressing too hard will throw off the intonation of your chords too. A light a touch as necessary to get the string to fret is best.

Also, finger and arm stretching is really important. Your fingers only generally clamp down... do some negative resistance excersizes and full finger bends to warm up... that may help some.

It's hard to say what will work for one person, and not another. Just find a routine that you like, thought it may take a few months of daily trial and error to finally figure out what helps best.

Good luck!
Thanx guys.I definetly think warming up with stretches and what not will be a must from now on in.MAybe it's old age hahahaha....i never really used to warm up or stretch or whatever before hand and it never used to be a problem.In rehersals i'm fine to tell you the truth,so maybe nerves HAS got something to do with it.Maybe more drinks before going on-satge wouldn't hurt either hahahaha (hic).